Urantia is the name of our planet in the heavens. It is the number 606 in the planetary group, or system, of Satania, containing at present 619 inhabited worlds. Satania is the twenty-fourth system in the constellation of Norlatiadek, which is number seventy in the local universe of Nebadon, the realm ruled by Michael, the master Jesus. Nebadon is number eighty-four in the minor sector of Ensa, which is number three in major sector of Splandon, the fifth major sector in superuniverse of Orvonton. [1]
The grand universe number of our world, Urantia, is 5,342,482,337,666. The number as a physical sphere is of an extraordinary magnitude and we are not offered. [2]
Urantia is comparatively isolated on the outskirts of Satania, while Satania itself is next to the outermost system of Norlatiadek. We seem to be the least of all creation, but Michael elevated Urantia to a position of honor with his bestowal, one planet in 10 million; the most fortunate planet in Nebadon. [3] Urantia is commonly referred to as 606 of Satania in Norlatiadek of Nebadon. [4] Thanks to the pouring out of the Spirit of Truth Urantia is better prepared for a world government than neighboring planets. [5] Currently our planet is under quarantine due to Lucifer's rebellion.
Our world is now isolated due to Lucifer's rebellion, but it is not forgotten in the councils of the universe. Urantia is not a cosmic orphan stigmatized by sin and excluded from divine care. [6] The confusion and turmoil of Urantia do not signify that the Paradise Rulers lack either interest or ability to manage affairs differently. [7] Urantia is a decimal planet, a life-experiment world. On one world in each ten it is permitted to experiment more in life designs. [8]
Urantia confusion did not require a Creator Son to set it in order; it is rather that the evil and sin of Urantia afforded the Creator Son a more striking background against which to reveal the matchless love of Father. [9] Urantia is far from realization of exalted ideals of government, but the civilized races have made a beginning toward those destinies. [10] As Isaiah said, God formed Urantia to be inhabited. [11]
On a planet with a more normal evolution than Urantia, our current age of science and great inventions occurs after the Adamic arrival. We are a full dispensation and more behind the average planetary schedule. [12] A finite world is not bad, it is the handiwork of a Creator and therefore it is good; only its misuse and perversion is evil. [13] Jesus hardly regarded this world as a “vale of tears. ” He rather looked upon it as the “vale of soul making. ”. [14] The last adjudication of this world happened at Jesus' resurrection, when Michael removed the slumbering survivors of time. [15]
Since our world is an experimental planet, it differs markedly from its sister spheres in Satania; many forms of life have appeared on Urantia that are not found elsewhere; likewise are many common species absent from our planet. [16] Worlds like Urantia are called the third series group, and we merge with divine gifts if we survive. [17] In different passages Urantia is described as sin-darkened, unfortunate, disordered, backward, and disturbed. [18] No wonder a seraphim, speaking of the difficulties of his work on our planet, exclaims: Such a life on such a planet! [19] Our world is unique due to several unsual circumstances: [20]
All Urantia is waiting for the proclamation of the ennobling message of Michael, unencumbered by the accumulated doctrines and dogmas of nineteen centuries of contact with the religions of evolutionary origin. The hour is striking for presenting to Buddhism, to Christianity, to Hinduism, even to the peoples of all faiths, not the gospel about Jesus, but the living, spiritual reality of the gospel of Jesus. [21]
Urantia is the sentimental shrine of all Nebadon, the chief of ten million inhabited worlds, the mortal home of Christ Michael, sovereign of all Nebadon. Urantia is locally known as the “world of the cross.”. [22]
On life-experiment planets as Urantia, adjutant mind-spirits are relatively isolated and have more difficulties contacting with the evolutionary organisms. [23]
Initially, the administration of Urantia was in the hands of the Planetary Prince and his assistants. The directing corps of a planet like Urantia, the helpers of the Planetary Prince, must be of lower orders to be innately sympathetic with planetary problems. [24]
After the Prince rebellion, everything changed. The supermaterial government of Urantia, under the direction of the Melchizedeks, continued, but direct physical contact with the evolutionary races ended with death of Adam. [25] Angels encounters difficulty in their communication due to curtailment of reflectivity as result of rebellion occurred. [26] Lanaforge, the new System Sovereign, is a frequent visitor of Urantia, as any of isolated planets in Satania. [27]
The actual administration of Urantia is indeed difficult to describe. There exists no formal government along the lines of universe organization, such as separate legislative, executive, and judicial departments. The twenty-four counselors come the nearest to being the legislative branch, the governor general is a provisional chief and there are no absolutely judicial powers—only commissions. [28]
The rather loosely organized and somewhat personally administered government of our planet is more than expectedly effective because of the timesaving assistance of the archangels and their ever-ready circuit. [29] In exclusively spiritual and personal matters, the supreme authority seems to be vested in the commanding archangel established in Urantia. [30] Urantia is not being managed merely to meet our approval but it is managed knowing exactly what to do with it. [31] Our sphere is just as precisely administered and just as lovingly fostered as if it were the only inhabited world in all existence. [32]
A divisional headquarters of archangels has been maintained on Urantia since recent times, an unusual fact that soon arrests the attention of extra-Nebadon visitors. This event presages future activities on Urantia in connection with Michael's promise to return. [33]
This is a list of groups of beings or personalities that are made known to us that have some relationship with our world:
After Lucifer rebellion, the affairs of Urantia were for a long time administered by a council of planetary receivers, twelve Melchizedeks. [52]
The original sovereignty of Urantia was first held by Lucifer, the sovereign of the Satania system, then by a mixed commission of Melchizedeks and Life Carriers, then by Caligastia, then held in abeyance, and is now held by Michael, who has been proclaimed Planetary Prince of Urantia. However, he has never used that authority but has delegated it to a council of twenty-four former Urantians. [53]
Machiventa Melchizedek has recently been proclaimed vicegerent Planetary Prince. But he has not assumed that authority either, which continues to be delegated to the twenty-four. [54]
The Melchizedek receivers gave temporary titular authority over the planet to Van, a prominent loyalist member of the Caligastia staff. They then conferred that authority on Adam when he arrived. [55] Michael-bestowal worlds, such as Urantia, are totally subject to the own plans and rulings of these Master Sons. [56]
Michael of Nebadon is the Planetary Prince of Urantia but it is entirely possible that Machiventa Melchizedek will reappear in the future in person to act as vicegerent. [57]
There is still resident on Urantia a Vorondadek Son, an observer for the Most Highs of Edentia and, in the absence of direct action by Michael, trustee of planetary sovereignty. [58]
Ever since the Lucifer rebellion the Edentia Fathers, the Most Highs, have exercised a special care over Urantia and the other isolated worlds of Satania. [59] Exists on Urantia a resident governor general that supervises as representative of the twenty-four counselors. [60]
Urantia was named and registered in Nebadon registry one billion years ago. [61] Received its recognition as an inhabited world 993,408 years ago. [62]
Life on Urantia was initiated by the Life Carriers. When the first human groups arose, then Caligastia, the Planetary Prince, arrived. Normally the peak of racial progress occurs later and then the Adam and Eve are sent, but on Urantia the Lucifer rebellion turned everything upside down. [63]
On Urantia the plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement were well under way, proceeding most satisfactorily, when the whole enterprise was brought to a rather sudden and most inglorious end by Caligastia’s adherence to the Lucifer rebellion. [64]
All subsequent history has been definitely modified by the catastrophic blunder of Caligastia betrayal as well as by the later failure of Adam and Eve to fulfill their planetary mission. [65] The early history offered in The Urantia Book is taken from archives of Jerusem. [66] In our planet races struggled long time in barbarism, longer than a planet under normal conditions. [67]
Michael personally chose Urantia for his final bestowal. The public announcement that Michael had selected Urantia as the theater for his final bestowal was made shortly after the default of Adam and Eve. [68]
While there was a miscarriage of the ideal plans for improving your native races, still, Adam’s mission was not in vain; Urantia has profited immeasurably from the gift of Adam and Eve, and among their fellows and in the councils on high their work is not reckoned as a total loss. [69]
In the sixth century B.C., through an unusual and not well-understood co-ordination of spiritual agencies Urantia witnessed a most unusual presentation of manifold religious truth. [70]
The present atmospheric status of Urantia is almost ideal for the support of the breathing type of man; we are classified as mid-breathers. [71] We are a planet with two-brained peoples. There are also with one and three brains. [72] In Urantia inhabitants have an Adjuster-fusion destiny, but in other planets they have a Son- or Spirit-fusion destiny. [73]
A mortal never returns to his native planet during the dispensation of his temporal existence, and if he should return during a subsequent dispensation, he would be escorted by a transport seraphim. [74]
We Urantia mortals are compelled to undergo such marked struggling between the spirit and the flesh because our remote ancestors were not more fully Adamized by the Edenic bestowal. [75]
If the Adjusters indwelling the minds of the inhabitants of Urantia were to be withdrawn, the world would slowly return to many of the scenes and practices of the men of primitive times. [76]
The present atmospheric status of Urantia is almost ideal for the support of the breathing type of man. [77] Most of the inhabited worlds are small. Urantia is average, perhaps a trifle undersized. [78] Urantia belongs to relatively recent universe, close to numerous partially completed physical creations. [79] Urantia has a single satellite, the Moon.
From the beginning the earth masses are under a continental drift. [80]
The heavier elements as iron are at the center of the planet where the density doubles the average density; the average density of the planet equals the one of iron. [81] Metals found near surface are from ancient volcanoes and meteoric deposits. [82] A sea of molten basalt has served for equalizing the shifting pressures of the outer crust. [83] The earth original crust all mixed up many times with extruding lavas of deep origins and deposits of oceans. [84] The outer one thousand miles of the earth’s mass consists principally of different kinds of rock. [85]
The atmosphere, together with incessant moisture precipitation, facilitated the cooling of the earth’s crust. The real geologic history of Urantia begins with the cooling of the earth’s crust sufficiently to cause the formation of the first ocean. [86]
Urantia is in the lines of tremendous energies that cause energy misbehavior and disturbances, a small planet in the circuit of enormous masses, and the local controllers sometimes employ enormous numbers of their order in an effort to equalize these lines of energy. [87]
There exists in Urantia a planetary pole of space communication; it is the place of the spiritual polarity of the planet, from where a beign like Gabriel can transmit his voice to other worlds. [88]
Urantia is of origin in your sun, and your sun is one of the multifarious offspring of the Andronover nebula, which was onetime organized as a component part of the physical power and material matter of the local universe of Nebadon. And this great nebula itself took origin in the universal force-charge of space in the superuniverse of Orvonton, long, long ago. [89] Two and a half billion years ago Urantia was a tenth its present mass. [90] Urantia is more than one billion years old on its surface. [91]
The radium clock is your most reliable timepiece for making scientific estimates of the age of the planet, but all such estimates are too short because the radioactive materials open to your scrutiny are comparatively recent acquirements of these elements. [92] It attained present size one billion years ago. [93] The process to increase size was attained by meteoric accretion. [94] Urantia is a planet with a dual origin. It was first extracted from the sun by a rogue system that passed by, and then grew by meteoric accretion. [95]
In Urantia we suffer the consequences of a double deprivation of help in the task of progressive planetary spiritual attainment. The Caligastia upheaval precipitated world-wide confusion and robbed us of the moral assistance which a well-ordered society would have provided us. But even more disastrous was the Adamic default in that it deprived us of that superior race which would have been more consonant with spiritual aspirations. [96]
The great handicap confronting Urantia in the matter of attaining the high planetary destiny of light and life is embraced in the problems of disease, degeneracy, war, multicolored races, and multilingualism. [97]
The problems associated with human existence on Urantia are impossible of understanding without a knowledge of certain great epochs of the past, notably the occurrence and consequences of the planetary rebellion. [98]
No missions have occurred on Urantia by an Avonal Magisterial Son thus far. The normal thing is that there would have been one between the arrival of Adam and that of Jesus, but it may happen in the future. [99]
Urantia has been visited by four orders of sonship: Caligastia, the Planetary Princes; Adam and Eve, the Material Sons of God; Machiventa, the Melchizedeks; Christ Michael, the Creator Sons. We have the certainty that both the Magisterial and Trinity Teacher Sons will appear on Urantia in the future, as well as Jesus' explicit promise that he will return. [100]
Despite all the blunders that man may commit in the administration of the world today, the gospel that Jesus proclaimed will rule Urantia in an age to come. [101]
The great hope of Urantia lies in the possibility of a new revelation of Jesus with a new and enlarged presentation of his saving message which would spiritually unite in loving service the numerous families of his present-day professed followers. [102]
In the first stage of the era of light and life, there is no doubt Machiventa Melchizedek, now the vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia, will occupy the seat of the Planetary Sovereign; and it has long been conjectured on Jerusem that he will be accompanied by a son and daughter of the Urantia Adam and Eve who are now held on Edentia as wards of the Most Highs of Norlatiadek. [103]
Jesus promised it and he will return some day as Michael. It is altogether possible that, in some future age when Urantia is approaching the era of light and life, after the affairs of the Lucifer rebellion and the Caligastia secession have been finally adjudicated, we may witness the presence on Urantia, simultaneously, of Machiventa, Adam, Eve, and Christ Michael, as well as either a Magisterial Son or even Trinity Teacher Sons. [104] One real musician could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. [105]
Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment. [106]
Ere long, the adjudication of Lucifer and his associates will restore the Satania system to the Norlatiadek constellation, and subsequently, Urantia and the other isolated spheres will be restored to the Satania circuits. [107] Some ascending activities will be concentrated on Urantia due to the establishment here of a division of archangels. [108] The will of God does ultimately prevail, not always concerning the individual but invariably concerning the total. [109]
See also: UB 114; UB 57; UB 114; UB 121; UB 57; UB 57.