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Always has advantage over error. [1] Ascension plan characterized by giving truth to others as soon as it. Is acquired. [2] Authority of truth is spirit indwelling its manifestations. [3]
Allow truth to strike into heart with living roots. [4] Base life on highest consciousness of. [5] Be mighty in promulgation of truth; stand in vigorous defense of truth. [6] Believe truth despite all appearances to contrary. [7] Enhance truth by passing through personal experience. [8] Feed roots of truth with spiritual communion and social service. [9] Follow truth wherever it leads, and regardless of conclusions it reaches. [10] Freely receive; freely give. [11] Give milk of truth to babes. [12] Not doubt truth after being scattered by persecution. [13] Whet appetites of associates for truth. [14]
Best criticized by revelation. [15] Concept not inherent in physics. [16] Creating new pictures out of old facts is artistic triumph of. [17]
Able to be acted out, lived. [18] Always a revelation. [19] Always relative and evil-contrasted. [20] Autorevelation by indwelling Adjuster; epochal revelation by some celestial agency. [21] Best known by spiritual flavor. [22] Coherent, replete, symmetrical, divinely real, beautiful, good. [23] Defined only by living; cannot be imprisoned; dies in human formulation. [24] Divine truth is final, uniform, and universal. [25] Experienced when spirit is permitted to reign in soul. [26] Felt most in adversity. [27] Finite maximum of experience. [28] Gospel of fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man is greatest. [29] Inconcussible, adaptable, radiantly alive. [30] Intellectual foundation of religion. [31] Known by those who do the divine will. [32] Living spirit relationship of all things and beings. [33] Man’s effort to discern God in mind. [34] Possessed only by exercise of faith. [35] Relative and expanding, lives always in present. [36] Time-space comprehension of supreme concepts. [37] Value-realization of God-consciousness, divinity. [38]
Drives out serious error. [39] False teachers frightened by new revelations of. [40] God is source of. [41] Hidden from the wise, revealed to babes. [42]
Buddhism taught relativity of all truth. [43] Chinese worship of truth stimulated research, exploration. [44] Difficult to perpetuate truth prior to printing. [45] Pilate’s question regarding truth. [46]
Humor lessens shock of unexpected truth. [47] Hunger for truth essential to enter kingdom, salvation. [48] Hunger for truth is a revelation. [49] Inspired Trinity Spirits impart truth superconsciously. [50] Iron band of so-called unchanging truth. [51] Jesus embraced truth no matter what the apparent source. [52] Jesus lived and was the truth. [53] Judas failed to love truth with his whole soul. [54] Made accessible by Adjuster and Spirit of Truth. [55] Makes men free. [56] Man gradually backing into. [57] Maximum imparted to mind of perfect poise in body of clean habits. [58] Ministry of Paradise Sons. [59] More truth we know, the more truth we are. [60] Old and true versus new but false. [61] One is not reckoned as possessing truth until he has shared it with. Others. [62] Purifies. [63] Seekers for truth rewarded now. [64] Sincere pursuit of truth leads to God. [65]
Is personification of truth. [66] Unerringly responds to truth. [67] Will lead us into all truth. [68]
Argumentative defense of proposition inversely proportional to truth contained. [70] Confusing when dismembered or too much analyzed. [71] Do not discount truth because of apparently human source. [72] Do not seek to promulgate truth by secular laws. [73] Do not slight truth accompanied by obsolete ideas. [74] Lucifer and Caligastia did not abide in truth. [75] Man’s understanding of truth only relatively true. [76] Mistake always to frankly speak one’s mind. [77] No celestial assistance until we act on truth we have. [78] No creed is uniquely The Truth. [79] Presentation beyond capacity causes confusion. [80] Reckoning required according to what given. [81] Right in fact can be wrong in truth. [82] Service of truth no substitute for religious experience. [83] Sometimes error so great that rectification by revelation inadvisable. [84] Truth does not resent honest examination or criticism. [85] Truth is not boundary line of self-righteous exclusiveness. [86] Truth not lived up to becomes darkness. [87]
See also: UB 132:3.