© 2010 Guy de Viron, Chris Ragetly, Lino Olivetta, Max Masotti, Octavie Jung, Georges Donnadieu, Jean Royer, Cécile Denayrouse, Dominique Ronfet
© 2010 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
A small link between us, the Link can only make us think about what unites us, what drives us and what we want to share.
Reflection therefore in the form of questions for an in-depth debate which could animate a future section of this same Link. I look forward to your opinions and your testimonies! Thank you in advance.
A Book for a Revelation! This may seem incredible, indefinable, even unclassifiable, since it is unique in our entire Nebadonian universe…
But what do we do with it?
Editor’s note (editor’s note):
The Links are quarterly and appear on the 15th of March, June, September and December! They are first sent to subscribers in digital form (PDF format) on these same dates and then, as far as possible, in their “paper” form. As AFLUB prints are grouped with other periodicals, it is possible that the deadline for the paper format is longer. As for the texts intended to be published within the Link concerned, they must imperatively arrive 30 days before the aforementioned publication date and approved by our president, Dominique Ronfet, director of publication. Thank you for your understanding.
Guy from Viron
A new year begins and a new spring meeting approaches for our association.
“Everything begins again but nothing is ever the same” says the poet!
Stagnation is death, the UB tells us in essence.
“In the whole eternal career you will never encounter monotony or stagnation of personality.” UB 28:6.18
“Only a poet can discern poetry in the banal prose of everyday life” UB 48:7.22
So let’s not fall asleep, let’s ride our dreams to build a more beautiful reality.
See you in May at Lumières and let’s share our quest.
I also recall the existence of the site urantia.fr, with its public forum, the first of its kind offered by Aflu.
So whatever the space, virtual or real, come in large numbers!
Dominique Ronfet
According to STUF & JANRY in “Give me the Sky!”
The first aim of the Theosophical Society is the formation of a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, religion, sex, caste or colour. Now the principle of brotherhood is also accepted by other movements and associations, and human solidarity is increasingly recognised and practised on an international scale in many aspects, though most often based on mutual interests. However, the notion of brotherhood, as it is understood in theosophical teaching, has much deeper roots.
The message of the Theosophical Society presents itself as a synthesis of science, religion and philosophy. The two principal founders of this organization, H.P. Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott, were guided and inspired by the Great Beings whom we call Adepts or Masters of the Wisdom. In fostering the birth of this unique Society, they laid down as a condition that its object should be neither the proclamation of doctrine nor the teaching of magic or the acquisition of powers, but that it should be a true Brotherhood in mind, heart and action. Theosophy, whose name means “divine wisdom,” is based on the great Truth that the human soul is a part of the Universal Soul and that one single, omnipresent Life sustains all that exists.
Excerpt from a theosophical publication
Nature has given us one tongue and two ears, so that we may hear twice as much as we say.
The wise man, without ever doing great deeds, accomplishes great things.
Coming from God, you only need to believe in God to return to God.
No one is born under a bad star. There are only people who look at the sky the wrong way.
Man rises above the earth on two wings, simplicity and purity. Simplicity must be in the intention and purity in the affection. One seeks God, the other finds and tastes Him.
What matters in life is not so much where we are — but where we are going.
It is very difficult to repair in the present the mistakes engraved in us in the past, but it is easy to learn to correctly engrave the new furrows.
1. The AFLUB (Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d’Urantia) invites you to participate in its national meeting which will take place in May 2011 from Thursday 05.05 at 6 p.m. to Sunday 08.05 at 2 p.m. at Notre Dame de Lumières — 84220 — Goult.
The theme of the meeting could be religion in the human experience. Keep these dates in mind. More information in the coming months.
2. The UAI is organizing a Leadership Symposium in Chicago from 13 to 17.07.2011, which is addressed to presidents, vice presidents, study group hosts or any other person identified as a leader based on their involvement and projects. More information on this event at the following address: www.uaileadership.com
The program is three full days. Our President, Dominique Ronfet, and Vice-President, Ivan Stol, will represent the AFLUB. We will accompany them with our noblest fraternal thoughts so that their stay is a total success.
If you would like to participate in this meeting, please let us know.
3. Brazil, with a population of 200 million and a seven-year-old association, brings together more than 200 members and more than 28 study groups. With the UB in Portuguese only two years old, its associations are among the most dynamic.
The Editorial Staff
Can we see ourselves as ambassadors of the kingdom as Jesus announced to the twelve after their ordination?
The twelve were apostles, they were specifically ordained ambassadors by Jesus, even the disciples were not ambassadors. … The Master and his apostlesdisciples continued in this simple way until Sunday, January 12, A.D. 27, when he called them together and formally ordained them as ambassadors of the kingdom and preachers of its good news. ( UB 138:10.11)
Jesus has not bestowed upon us such an honor, we can only consider ourselves mortal readers of the fifth revelation and as such we must attempt to communicate the teachings of The Urantia Book to our truth-seeking brothers and sisters.
Chris Ragetly
1st World: dent removal and mota
Care for biological deficiencies.
Elementary education of Mota.
2nd World: Mental Harmony — Community
Nursery for those who have not raised their children well or at all. Elimination of intellectual conflicts and healing of mental disharmonies. Development comparable to the intellectual status of the culture that follows the coming of a Magisterial Son to the ideal evolutionary worlds.
Lino Olivetta
Central Universe
Max Masotti
On our skis, Lord, we bless you.
When we contemplate the splendor of the mountains
And the glaciers sparkling with snow,
On our skis, Lord, we bless you.
When we ski,
Filled with joy,
In the powdery snow with its dazzling whiteness,
On our skis, Lord, we bless you.
When, in the blue coldness of dawn,
We trace the snowy slopes,
On our skis, Lord, we bless you.
The arid desert burns my eyes and my feet.
I move forward, the hot air projects mirages.
The wind at my back, my heart trapped
Secretly hopes to take a turn:
Through awareness, a new perspective
Let the burdens of the journey be carried away…
Suddenly, gushing after the rain
A carpet of flowers of all colors.
Amazed, I move forward for a new start!
I feel like a child
Eyes wide open.
Beauty was staring me in the face.
Back to the fears that cause so much havoc…
Octavia Jung
Worship is the religious impulse which brings about worshipful satisfaction, always according to our own course of action, directed by (1) our intuition, associated with (2) our understanding, supported by (3) our courage, approved by (4) our knowledge, directed (5) in counsel, to arrive at a state of worship satisfying the needs of the intuition.
Example #20 of “Morontia Mota” is: “Only a poet can discern poetry in mundane everyday life” (UB 48:7.22)
I will illustrate this aphorism with two poems of worship from two 19th century poets, born on two continents bordering the Atlantic. Both poems are addressed to the Creator of our local universe of Nebadon and to the celestial hosts, even in our local system and on our planet Urantia.
Georges Donnadieu
Is it so surprising that humans know practically nothing about the Power Directors? In the booklet devoted to them, the 29th, the Universal Censor admits his inability to describe them to us and if he indicates their fields of action it is in a rather vague manner. We are here in an apophatic position (see negative theology).
Yet they are created beings and as such they enter into our conceptual possibilities, but what can be said in this same booklet about the first two groups cited: The Master Organisers of Primary Exteriorisation Force and the Associated Master Organisers of Transcendental Force?
Jean Royer
News about the star Gliese 581!
The famous journal Astronomy & Astrophysics reports on the discovery of two possibly habitable exoplanets comparable to Earth around Gliese 581. Two international teams confirm in two publications that one of the planets could indeed be located in the habitable zone around the star Gliese 581.
In April 2007, a group of European astronomers announced the discovery of two new planets orbiting the star Gliese 581 (a red dwarf), with masses of at least 5 and 8 times that of Earth. Given their distance from their parent star, these new planets (now known as Gliese 581c and Gliese 581d) were considered the first potential candidates for habitable planets.
Laurent Sacco, Futura Sciences
I dream of you Rantowoc, near the great seguoias
where on the edge of the Mojave Desert, Colorado,
In Oregon pines, Arizona ochres,
The Rockies, Wyoming, Yellowstone, Idaho
JR 2000
Jean Royer
India had nourished him in the hearts of the multitudes,
But the world was vast and pressing its call
For a young heart it is not a habit.
India was just an island, he wanted the archipelago.
Jean Royer
Humor is the housekeeper of the mind!
We can laugh at everything, but not with everyone! Pierre Desproges
A sense of humor was given to men to console them for what they are!
For a successful evening, you should know that the feast is not only in the dishes, but also in the mood of the guests!
These absurd theories that rot our daily lives or the law of maximum annoyance? It’s the trick of the slice of bread that falls on the wrong side, or that of “never two without three”. Back to these harmful precepts.
In life, there is theory. Those little vicious phrases that we have been brainwashed with since childhood. Like “good things come to those who wait”, “every pot has its lid” or “money doesn’t buy happiness”. A bit like the best-of menu of barroom philosophy. The smell of mothballs as a bonus.
Cecile Denayrouse
Central Universe
Max Masotti
Dominique Ronfet
Le Lien Urantien is the journal of the French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book, a member of the UAI, the International Urantia Association.
Head office | rue du Temple 1, F-13012 Marseille, +33 (0)4 91 27 13 20 |
afflu@urantia.fr | |
Site | www.urantia.fr / http://forum.urantia.fr |
Publication Director | Dominique Ronfet, d.ronfet@noos.fr |
Editor in Chief | Guy de Viron, guydeviron@bluewin.ch |
Reading Committee | Jean Royer, Max Masotti |
Subscription | €20 per year (quarterly publication 4 issues) |
Legal deposit | December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116 |
Print run | 125 copies © 1955 URANTIA Foundation |
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any artistic depictions, interpretations, opinions or conclusions implied or stated are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.