© 2022 Ivan Stol, Claude Flibotte, Guy Antequera, Patrick Morelli, Chris Alvorson, Simon Orsini, Georges Michelson Dupont
© 2022 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
With a certain stagnation in France of the fruit of this revelation, Europe is trying to show solidarity, bringing out isolated people (GEORGIA) and groups (POLAND, among others).
There are language difficulties, but we are trying to make do with English. A European Study Group and a Urantian Europe Action Group have been formed under the leadership of Karmo Kalda. AFLUB has decided to contribute by providing a basic website to Karmo (https://europe.urantia.fr) under construction with features for broadcasting events and news to subscribers.
Le Lien is the journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book (AFLUB), a member of the UAI, Urantia Association International.
Head office: 1, rue du Temple, 13012 Marseille. +33 (0)980 978481
Cœurriel: afllu@urantia.fr
Site/Forum: http://www.urantia.fr and http://forum.urantia.fr
Publication Director: Ivan Stol; ivan.stol@free.fr
Editor-in-Chief: Georges Michelson-Dupont; georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
Reading Committee: Jean Duveau; Ivan Stol & Patrick Morelli.
The Link: Published 4 times a year electronically to AFLLU members
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any literary or artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.
What if time was directly related to movement and our mental capacity to apprehend it! This is the reflection that is creeping into my thoughts at the moment!
We all know that our material mind as a human being is limited. Depending on our biological heritage, some are better equipped than others to exploit this phenomenon that is the mind. Although it is possible to push one’s mental capacities further through practice as we increase the capacity of muscles with exercise, there are still limits that the human mind cannot cross unless we acquire the higher mental faculties of the soul. It is this cognitive limitation of the human mind associated with movement that makes us conscious of time.
Finally, time is quite relative depending on several factors affecting the present moment for each person. If I am sad and unhappy, time seems like an eternity. The same is true if I am waiting for something or someone. On the other hand, if I am in the joy of a joyful activity shared with friends, time flies by.
Claude Flibotte
Sainte-Julie (Quebec) Canada
December 21, 2021.
Of all the humans who have ever sojourned on Urantia, Jesus knows the Father in heaven best, for he is His Father, and he said it well: “I come from the Father…” (UB 146:2.10). Knowing his Father well and for our edification, he could affirm: “… become more and more like God (UB 130:2.7).” What did he mean by “being like God”? Can we give a simple and rational explanation of this concept of “similarity.” In other words, when can we say that two things are similar?
Origin of the Master Spirits
The Master Spirits are the primary personalities of the Infinite Spirit.
We know very little about the action of the Father and the Son in the creation of the Master Spirits. Apparently they were brought into existence by the personal acts of the Infinite Spirit, but we have been definitely instructed that both the Father and the Son participated in their origin. (UB 16:0.10)
Why are there seven Master Spirits?
THE Seven Master Spirits of Paradise are the primary personalities of the Infinite Spirit. In this sevenfold creative act of self-duplication the Infinite Spirit exhausted the associative possibilities mathematically inherent in the factual existence of the three persons of Deity. Had it been possible to produce a larger number of Master Spirits, they would have been created, but there are just seven associative possibilities, and only seven, inherent in three Deities. And this explains why the universe is operated in seven grand divisions, and why the number seven is basically fundamental in its organization and administration. (UB 16:0.1)
Patrick Morelli.
Chris M. Halvorson
The Urantia Book provides a detailed overview of the historical geology of our planet, Urantia (see Papers 57 through 61). Any systematic presentation of historical geology is built upon the framework of a geologic time scale, a partition of the entire extent of geologic time into a hierarchical set of divisions, related to a sequence of absolute dates. The geologic time scale implied by the overview of The Urantia Book is presented in the table on page 21.
Some aspects of the partitioning and nomenclature of geologic time scales are not universally agreed upon among geologists. The system used in this paper is a harmonization of The Urantia Book system, commonly used systems, and a primary desire for consistency. The Cryptozoic Eon [^1] is often referred to simply as Precambrian time, with the Archaeozoic and Azoic eras being referred to as Archean and Hadean, respectively. In this paper, all eons and eras are referred to by names ending in the suffix “-zoic,” meaning “life.” (The literal meanings of the names of eons, eras, and epochs are given in parentheses.) This choice makes the nomenclature uniform and emphasizes the fact that the universe was created for habitation. Urantia geologic time embodies the history of life on this planet.
Cell division is the way any cell multiplies. It allows it to divide into several cells (most often two). It is therefore a fundamental process in the living world, since it is necessary for the regeneration of any organism.
In Eukaryotes — characterized primarily by cells that have a nucleus — there are two types of cell division:
Mitosis which only allows asexual multiplication; it allows the regeneration of an organ, and also growth.
Meiosis which allows sexual reproduction.
The eon is the geochronological time interval corresponding to the largest chronostratigraphic subdivision of the geological time scale, the eonothem. The term eon is also used in planetology to describe the history of the planets.
The history of the Earth is divided into four eons. The first three, which cover the first 4 billion years of the Earth’s history, are sometimes grouped together in a supereon called the Precambrian. For the same geological time interval, eons and eonothems have identical names.
Is there life elsewhere than on earth? There is no doubt that we are not alone, we have had many visits that are recorded in the religious books of our ancestors. But there is better, we are the proof of the existence of God, God is therefore the proof of our existence. Whoever watches television must know that the waves that navigate the universe are organized, that without electricity we could neither search nor progress, we would be at the level of the animal. It is the only planet where there is so much water, which has become salty, certainly not by chance, the beauty of this earth is unparalleled and I do not know anyone who wants to leave it to go and live on the moon.
Despite the discovery of all the laws of matter, astrophysicists are still at the flat universe, they are at the level of our ancestors who believed that the earth was flat.
Simon Orsini
Very often we read that our Thought Adjuster is working to spiritualize us without our being aware of it.
“When it comes to the sharp and well-defined conflicts between the higher and lower tendencies of the races, between what really is right or wrong (not merely what you may call right and wrong), you can depend upon it that the Adjuster will always participate in some definite and active manner in such experiences. The fact that such Adjuster activity may be unconscious to the human partner does not in the least detract from its value and reality.” (UB 108:5.9)
“Religious perplexities are inevitable; there can be no growth without psychic conflict and spiritual agitation. The organization of a philosophic standard of living entails considerable commotion in the philosophic realms of the mind. Loyalties are not exercised in behalf of the great, the good, the true, and the noble without a struggle. Effort is attendant upon clarification of spiritual vision and enhancement of cosmic insight. And the human intellect protests against being weaned from subsisting upon the nonspiritual energies of temporal existence. The slothful animal mind rebels at the effort required to wrestle with cosmic problem solving.” (UB 100:4.2)
But is it really the only one that works like this?