Lucifer lost his precious endowments by yielding to impatience and the desire to possess what he craved now, in defiance of others' rights and obligations. [1]
Be patient and resist the temptation to indulge in cheap and sordid adventure; instead, harness your energies and await the majestic unfolding of an endless career of thrilling discovery. [2]
The lesson of Adam and Eve is that impatience can lead to disastrous results, as they were unwilling to endure the long, difficult task of settling the sorry plight of Urantia. [3]
Lucifer's impatience led to the loss of innate, divine, and universal ethical obligations, as he craved immediate power and disregarded the rights and liberties of others. [4] Impatience is a spirit poison, while anger is akin to disturbing a hornet's nest. [5] Serapatatia's impatience for immediate results was fueled by his sincere loyalty to the long-term plan of upstepping the confused peoples of Urantia. [6]