This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Adam and Eve would have met with success had they exercised more. [1] Bear with erring brother. [2] Being just and fair are preconditions to showing patience. [3] Being long-suffering is fruit of spirit. [4] Cannot function independently of time. [5] Challenge evil and hatred with forbearance. [6] Cheerfully endure tasks, trials of Adjuster’s selection. [7] Delays of time inevitable. [8] Evidence man indwelt by God. [9] Exercised by mortals whose time units are short. [10] Forbearance under provocation. [11] Go slowly in political evolution. [12] Good derived from. [13]
Always exhibited patience with human shortcomings. [14] Counsel regarding Jude. [15] Patience was Jesus’ ideal of strength of character. [16] Would not act prematurely. [17]
Learned in one’s family. [18] Mortals should be slow to criticize universe delays. [19] Natural, slow, and sure way of accomplishing divine purpose. [20] Parable of prodigal son illustrates need for. [21] Possess soul in. [22] Prince’s staff set about slowly and naturally to advance interests intrusted to them. [23] Time alone ripens fruit upon tree. [24] Universe not managed merely to meet our approval. [25] We are in the hands of God. [26] We must in all things wait upon Father’s will. [27] We will have opportunity to present any good ideas in future ages. [28] Wisdom of delay. [29]