This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Adjuster can empower amazing acts of. [1] Degrees of. [2] Devotion short-lived when truth has no real root. [3] Devotion to highest duty. [4] Fruit of appreciation of brotherhood; first step. [5] Fruit of spirit. [6]
Children only permanently impressed by parents’ loyalty. [7] Hard to change once mobilized. [8] Loyalty to family is most sacred of human trusts. [9] Roman education bred unheard-of. [10] Sacredness of all human loyalties. [11] To human associations and institutions important. [12]
Jesus demands loyalty, not sacrifice. [13] Living loyally causes growth. [14] Michael desires only loyalty which is voluntary, wholehearted, and sophistry-proof. [15] Mighty Messengers stood loyal in face of disloyalty of their superiors. [16] Not exercised in behalf of good without a struggle. [17] Preventing rebellion is of higher value than resisting. [18] Yield loyalty to highest dictates of spiritual consciousness. [19]