All relationships and the application of ethics grow out of the fundamental facts of origin. [1]
Static ethics and traditional morality are just slightly superanimal. Ethics and morals become truly human when they are dynamic and progressive, alive with universe reality. [2] Human ethics and the natural consciousness of relative right and wrong were born from the concepts of the appeasement of ever-displeased spirits. [3]
Religion has handicapped social development in many ways, but without religion there would have been no enduring morality nor ethics, no worth-while civilization. [4]
Civilization is in danger when youth neglect to interest themselves in ethics, sociology, eugenics, philosophy, the fine arts, religion, and cosmology. [5] The evolutionary mind is able to discover law, morals, and ethics. [6] The ethical conscience and the moral consciousness is indispensable to human progress and survival. [7] Man’s understanding of ethics is only relatively true. [8] Secrecy, insincerity, and hypocrisy may obscure sex problems, but they do not provide solutions, nor do they advance ethics. [9] Man’s acquirement of ethical judgment, moral will, is usually coincident with the appearance of early language. [10]
Ethic sensitivity is the sense of the eternal fitness of Deity relations with all beings. [11]
Ethics is the eternal social or racial mirror that faithfully reflects the otherwise unobservable progress of internal spiritual and religious developments. [12] To love one's neighbor as oneself is the highest ethics. [13] Ethical obligations are innate, divine, and universal. [14] The ethics of Paradise relationships are neither meaningless formalities nor the dictations of artificial castes but rather the inherent proprieties. [15] Ethical awareness is simply the recognition by any individual of the rights inherent in the existence of any and all other individuals. [16]
Ethics is the necessity for recognizing that the world and the universe are filled with a multitude of differing types of beings, and all of this magnificent creation, including ourselves, was not made just for us. [17]
Group ethics is the secret of pleasant and profitable interrelationship between the various universe and superuniverse orders of intelligent personalities. [18]
Our sojourn on Edentia will be chiefly occupied with group ethics. [19] We will practice improved ethics learning in socializing with univitatia in Edentia. [20] The Significances of Origins teach ascenders how to apply spirit ethics. [21] Secoraphic Unions of Souls portray ideals and show the status of the universe to face ethic problems. [22]
Jesus never concerned with ethics as such. He was wholly concerned with that inward and spiritual fellowship with God the Father which so certainly and directly manifests itself as outward and loving service for man. [23] Greek philosophy, coupled with Paul’s theology, still forms the basis of European ethics. [24]