Lucifer, number 37 of his order, was a brilliant primary Lanonandek Son of Nebadon, distinguished for wisdom, sagacity, and efficiency. [1]
Lucifer is now the fallen and deposed Sovereign of Satania, his self-contemplation leading to disastrous consequences as the exalted personalities of the celestial world saw his sad estate, with no local universe power able to detain or destroy this wicked rebel since Michael was not yet a sovereign ruler. [2] Spiritual pride led Lucifer into iniquity, causing him to rebel against the rule of the Father and his loyal Sons. [3]
One of three System Sovereigns in Nebadon who rebelled, Lucifer succumbed to the urge of self and surrendered to the sophistry of spurious personal liberty. [4]
For over half a million years, Lucifer and Satan ruled on Jerusem before turning against the Universal Father and Michael. [5] Lucifer's acceptance message of the Life Carriers' work on Urantia brought relief and approval to the mission. [6]
Satan, the first lieutenant of Lucifer, advocated his cause on Urantia alongside Caligastia, but their rebellion against the Universal Father and his Son failed. [7] The original sovereignty of Urantia, held in trust by Lucifer, was finally settled through Michael's bestowal as Planetary Prince. [8]
The rebellion in Lucifer's mind originated independently, without any external influence or encouragement. [9]
Lucifer's rebellion was a result of his own disaffection after years of intimate and cordial relations with the Creator Son, leading to his first open disloyalty just before the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. [10]
Both Lucifer and Caligastia were lovingly warned about their critical tendencies and pride, but misconstrued the help as unwarranted criticism and interference with personal liberties, judging their well-meaning advisers by their own evolving selfishness. [11]
Lucifer's first outspoken disloyalty occurred during Gabriel's visit to Jerusem, as he increasingly criticized the universe administration while still professing loyalty to the Supreme Rulers. [12]
Immanuel counseled Michael to graciously terminate Lucifer's rebellion in Satania as the Son of Man, bringing a fitting climax to his mortal bestowal and establishing the sovereignty of the Supreme in Nebadon. [13] About his rebellion's manifesto see link below.
Van's appeal to Lucifer, designated Caligastia supreme sovereign of Urantia, was deemed an act of planetary rebellion by the supreme council of co-ordination. [14] The Lucifer emblem featured a white banner with a red circle, within which a black solid circle was centered. [15]
Lucifer set up legislative assembly and tribunals in defiance of established governance structures, advocating for self-government and equal rights for all orders of intelligence. [16]
Lucifer, declared friend of men and angels, was proclaimed the “God of liberty” by Satan at the annual conclave of Satania on the sea of glass, two hundred thousand years ago. [17]
Lucifer's pride led to self-deception, convincing himself that rebellion was for the greater good, ultimately evolving into deliberate and willful sin. [18]
Lucifer's belief in the infallibility of the majority's rule, along with the freedom to prosecute his plan uninterrupted, fueled his rebellious actions in Nebadon. [19] During Lucifer's rule in Satania, no power or tribunal existed to detain or destroy him as Michael was not yet a sovereign ruler. [20]
The trial of Lucifer, brought to trial in 2-1/2 seconds Uversa time, remains pending until the adjudication of the affairs of the rebellion have been completed. [21] Lucifer was free in Satania for 200,000 years before being deprived of all administrative authority in the system. [22] The Gabriel versus Lucifer case before the Ancients of Days has recently begun, affecting the fate of rebellious beings throughout the universe. [23] Lucifer and his followers are now confined on prison worlds as a solemn warning to all Nebadon until justice is finally served. [24]
Lucifer and Satan were last present on Urantia for the assault on Jesus, but have been imprisoned since Michael completed his bestowal mission and became the settled head of Nebadon. [25]
On Mount Hermon, Jesus faced the universe trial, resisting the misrepresentations of rebel personalities such as Satan, representing Lucifer, and Caligastia, in a struggle for the sovereignty of the glorious universe. [26] Jesus warned the apostles that the enemy would seek to draw them away, but they all declared undying devotion and loyalty to him and his kingdom. [27]
Judas’s betrayal pleased Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia, as Jesus prepared to enact the parable of brotherly love despite knowing the origins of the plan for his death. [28]
Lucifer's rejection of Michael's mercy with increasing contempt culminated in the rebellion, driven by pride and self-deception, evolving into deliberate sin. [29]
Lucifer's idea of rebellion against the will of Michael and the Universal Father originated in his own mind, despite having always maintained intimate and cordial relations with the Creator Son. [30]
Jesus chose to finish his earthly life naturally, refusing to be saved from the cruel events leading to his horrifying death that even the father of sin could not bear to witness. [31] The children of evil follow ways of Lucifer, refusing to believe the truth revealed by the Son of Man. [32] Mortal man is inherently subject to evil tendencies, but is not a child of the evil one unless consciously choosing sin and iniquity. [33] Sympathy for Lucifer perished since the attempt to corrupt Jesus, closing the doors of all System Sovereigns' hearts against Satan. [34] Lucifer and his followers were forever silenced by Jesus’ life of self-forgetful service, leaving them confounded and disillusioned. [35]
Lucifer's folly was the attempted disenfranchisement of all Satania, a monumental threat to steal personal liberty on an unprecedented scale. [36] Lucifer disrupted the time governor to prematurely attain certain liberties in the settled local system. [37] Jesus of Nazareth demonstrated the consequences of prostituting divine talents for personal gain, like Lucifer and Caligastia. [38] Lucifer rebelliously sought to displace higher orders of sonship in his quest for increased jurisdiction in the local universe. [39] Lucifer's theft of liberty attempted to deprive every creature of their personal participation in the divine adventure of perfection attainment. [40]
Lucifer, the archdeceiver, has been taken into custody by the Ancients of Days and is now wholly inactive on satellite number one of Jerusem, awaiting final disposition as the unfaithful Sovereign of Satania. [41] After two years of celestial battle, Lanaforge succeeded Lucifer, ensuring the survival and victory of all Jerusem citizens in the fiery trial. [42]
The suspension of the rotation of Norlatiadek Most Highs during the Lucifer rebellion indicates no change in rulers until Lucifer is disposed of. [43] The Edentia Most Highs assumed control over fallen worlds during the Lucifer secession, retaining power confirmed by the Ancients of Days. [44] Satania cannot be readmitted to constellation until the tribunal of the Ancients of Days finishes adjudicating the affairs of the Lucifer rebellion. [45]
See also: UB 53.