The first refinement of war was the taking of prisoners, followed by exempting women from hostilities and recognizing noncombatants, leading to the development of military castes and standing armies to keep pace with combat complexity. Warriors were prohibited from associating with women and women stopped fighting, instead feeding, nursing, and urging soldiers to battle. [1] Jesus’ compassionate words to the condemned prisoner offered hope and the promise of divine forgiveness. [2] John the Baptist, feeling his work was almost finished, preached southward from Machaerus and was eventually imprisoned by Herod Antipas. [3]
John Zebedee survived multiple imprisonments and a four-year exile to the Isle of Patmos by employing tact, wisdom, and a focus on loving service over ruling power. [4] Jude's fiery indignation towards a Roman guard over disrespect towards a Jewish girl landed him in a military prison with Jesus by his side. [5]
Preventive detention is used in the continental nation to reform potential criminals, leading to a low homicide rate and no need for prisons or hospitals for the insane. [6] One friend stood with the prisoner as Roman law allowed, ensuring he had support during his trial. [7]