Hope, the grandeur of trust, makes facing insecurities and uncertainties a necessary part of human existence. [1] “Man earns status by his faith and hope, a reality of personal experience in contrast to the inherent goodness of the perfect beings of Havona.”. [2]
Eye has not seen what God has prepared for those who survive the life in the flesh, as the ultraspiritual realities of Paradise are beyond mortal comprehension. [3]
The spirit-led mortal's life is marked by the characteristics of the Spirit, for the fruits of the spirit encompass love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, revealing the eternal hope that transcends all fear through God's love. [4] Sometimes our fondest hopes must die to make way for new opportunities, leading us to learn and grow through disappointments. [5]
Spirit-born individuals remain calm as their keenest hopes crash, knowing that such catastrophes are redirecting cataclysms that pave the way for more noble and enduring realities in a new level of universe attainment. [6] Hope springs eternal in the human breast, providing comfort to those who follow the will of God rather than seeking joy in the material world. [7] The fruit of the spirit includes undying hope, among other qualities, which believers must show forth in loving service to others. [8] Jesus repeatedly dashed hopes, but the apostles remained faithful except few who prepared to reject him. [9]
Entertaining false hopes led to racial disappointment and frustration, causing confusion among the Jewish leaders who failed to recognize the divine Son of Paradise when he came to them in mortal flesh. [10] Serve with tireless affection, admix friendship with counsel, add love to philosophy, and be less critical to lessen disappointment. [11] Transformation of faith engenders hope, liberating one from the fear of existence and empowering them as a son of the Universal Father. [12]