Extensive information is given in The Urantia Book about a neighboring planet of Urantia, not named, and located in the Satania system. The planet is also in quarantine and has many similarities to Urantia. Of this planet we are told above all of the most developed nation, a continental nation. [1]
This nation numbers about 140 million. Its people are a mixed race, predominantly blue and yellow, having a slightly greater proportion of violet than the so-called white race of Urantia. [2] Enjoys a unique topography and is aproximatedly the size of Australia. [3]
This continental nation now has a representative government with a centrally located national capital. The central government consists of a strong federation of 100 comparatively free states. [4] The transition from monarchy to a representative form of government was gradual. [5] Just now this superior government is planning to establish ambassadorial relations with the inferior peoples. [6] This nation is adjudicated by two major court systems—the law courts and the socioeconomic courts. [7]
The methods of this people in dealing with crime, insanity, and degeneracy, while in some ways pleasing, will, no doubt, in others prove shocking to most Urantians. [8]
The educational system of this nation is compulsory and coeducational in the precollege schools that the student attends from the ages of 5 to 18. Estas escuelas son muy diferentes a las de Urantia. No hay aulas, se estudia una sola materia a la vez, y después de los tres primeros años, todos los alumnos se convierten en profesores auxiliares. [9] Spiritual teachers are under the direction of the Foundation of Spiritual Progress and monitor whether parents educate their children properly. [10]
The home life of this people has greatly improved during the last century. Attendance of parents, both fathers and mothers, at the parental schools of child culture is compulsory. [11]
The industrial situation among this people is far from their ideals; capital and labor still have their troubles. The abolition of slavery happened over one hundred years ago. [12] They enjoy a brisk domestic commerce but have little foreign trade owing to the universal hostility of their less progressive neighbors. [13] Funds for old-age pensions come from taxes, bequests, compulsory labor wages, and natural resource revenues. [14] Statesmanship schools are of three classes: national, regional, and state, and prepare for the public offices. [15]
Military training is never given without a associated industrial, scientific, or professional schooling. In this way the creation of a professional military class is avoided. [16]
There are five different types of metropolitan government, depending on the size of the city, but no city is permitted to have more than one million inhabitants. [17]
Cities have no taxing power, neither can they go in debt. There is little or no uniformity among the taxation schemes of the one hundred comparatively free and sovereign states as economic and other conditions vary greatly in different sections of the continent. [18] They has benefited by neither magisterial nor bestowal missions of the Paradise Sons. [19] Schools of philosophy are affiliated with the temples of philosophy and are more or less associated with religion as a public function. [20]
See also: UB 72.