The earliest law was survival of the fittest, shaping a dark and bloody chapter in the annals of primitive man's heroic struggle for survival. [1]
Law evolves from being negative and prohibitive in early society to becoming increasingly positive and directive in advancing civilizations, as seen in the transition from the enforcement of taboos to the establishment of a directive legal system. [2] Law is a codified record of accumulated human experience, crystallizing public opinion into legalized norms. [3] Early property disputes were handled through methods such as destruction, forceful combat, arbitration, and appealing to elders or courts. [4]
The law of Sumerians shaped their advanced civilization, appearing suddenly with a full-grown and superior culture in Mesopotamia two hundred thousand years ago. [5]
Jewish law, viewed as given by Moses, became a source of bondage through ritualism and legalism for the Jews, held captive by the scribes, Pharisees, and priesthood. [6] Oriental law was stern and arbitrary, Greek law was fluid and artistic, and Roman law was dignified and respect-breeding. [7] Jesus always observant of law, cautioning his apostles to avoid political entanglements and focusing solely on his mission of salvation. [8] Go forth and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom, for there is but one law to obey. [9] About the unwritten law see lynch law. See about natural law in the link.
God's love saves the sinner, while the law destroys sin. [10] The Creators attempt to save man from disastrous results of transgression, showing fatherly love and offering solace during trials. [11]
The procedures most acceptable to Deity are disclosed by the Constellation Conciliators in resolving conflicts between inhabited worlds within a constellation. [12]
Universe law originates in the legislative assemblies of the constellations, guided by law forecasters who project the impact of new enactments on freewill creatures. [13] Experientially unifying divine law with divine love reveals the intricate balance of justice and mercy within the Trinity. [14]
The origin, administration, revelation, and application of law are inherent functions of the First, Second, Third Source and Center, and the Paradise Trinity. [15] Ignorance of the divine way makes one a breaker of the law, but enlightenment brings blessings. [16]
Innocent or deliberate transgression of divine law may cause affliction, but through misunderstood suffering, one can ascend to spiritual heights and obtain a vision of God. [17] Man lives in a realm of comparative law and order, free from primitive concepts of vengeful gods that afflict the people of Urantia. [18] The divine law must be obeyed, for disobedience leads to prayers being deemed an abomination. [19] Nature is a modification of divine law, influenced by both the perfection of Paradise Deity and the imperfections of evolving beings. [20] The mansion world evangels preach the eternal potency of goodness, guided by the law of conservation and dominance. [21]
The duty of law forecasters is to project how proposed enactments may impact freewill creatures, ensuring the greatest possible coordination while respecting moral free will. [22] The reflectivity organization constantly disseminates decrees and gathers news, functioning unceasingly alongside intermittent broadcast services. [23]
In personality relationships, the law of spirit dominance prevails over matter, yielding three spiritual beings to one semiphysical in the production of Havona Servitals. [24] The unchanging reaction of an infinite, perfect, and divine mind is the law of nature. [25] The law will be written on hearts in the new covenant. [26]
The ideal state's few laws have transitioned from negative restrictions to positive empowerment, encouraging self-control and promoting individual liberty through productive use of leisure time. [27]
The intellectual foundation of justice in a local universe originates from the legislative assemblies of the constellations, where law forecasters ensure that proposed enactments consider the impact on the lives of freewill creatures. [28] Law is life itself, not the rules of its conduct, but the artistic triumphs of truth in the lives of offspring. [29] The law of living is love for the father and mutual love among children, illustrating the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. [30] Liberty exists only under the reign of law, ensuring equal freedom for all while safeguarding social harmony. [31]
Morality can never be advanced by law or force; it must be disseminated through the contagion of morally fragrant individuals interacting with those who are less morally responsive but desirous of doing the Father’s will. [32] John counseled all to instruct in the spirit as well as the letter of the law in their new life. [33]