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At first negative and prohibitive, later directive. [1] But one law to obey – proclaim gospel. [2] Codified record of human experience. [3]
Destroys sin. [4] Disastrous results of transgression. [5] Discloses procedures most acceptable to Deity. [6] Enactment by constellation assemblies. [7] Experientially unify divine law with divine love. [8] Father is law, Eternal Son administers spiritual l., Infinite Spirit reveals law. [9] Ignorance of law unfortunate. [10] Innocent or deliberate transgression of law causes affliction. [11] Man lives in realm of comparative law and order. [12] Must be obeyed. [13] Nature is modified expression of divine law. [14] Of conservation and dominance of goodness. [15] Principal of greatest possible coordination with fixed policy not to infringe moral free will. [16] Reflectivity is mechanism for disseminating decrees. [17] Spirit dominant over matter in personality relationships. [18] Unchanging reaction, habits, of infinite, perfect, and divine mind. [19] Written on hearts. [20]
Earliest law was survival of fittest. [21] Greek, Roman, and oriental law. [22] Jesus always observant of. [23] Jewish law viewed as given by Moses. [24] Methods of handling early property disputes. [25] Of Sumerians. [26] Unwritten law.
Ideal state has few laws. [27] Intellectual foundation of justice. [28] Law is life itself, not the rules of its conduct. [29] Law of living is love for father and mutual love among children. [30] Liberty exists only under reign of. [31] Morality never advanced by. [32] Natural law. Spirit as well as letter of. [33]