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70 divisions of. [1] Ascending levels of. [2] Ask God for wisdom to solve problems. [3] Dead stores of worldly. [4]
Consciousness of knowledge. [5] Consciousness of meaning of personality. [6] Cumulative because it can be communicated to succeeding generations. [7] Embracing discretion as well as courage. [8] Embracing ideas in process of association and recombination. [9] Goal of purely mental and moral existence. [10] Knowledge directed by reason, illuminated by revelation. [11] Man’s highest human attainment. [12]
Does justice to differing men. [13] Elevate to living truth. [14] Exalt wisdom and she will promote you. [15] God’s wisdom consists in his perfect insight. [16] Leads to worship. [17] Masters of Philosophy teach. [18] Most disheartening miscarriage was Adam’s default. [19] Must be cosmic in scope, spiritual in motivation. [20] Must evolve. [21] No limit to intellectual evolution. [22] Perfection of understanding is indispensible to Paradise perfection. [23] Possibility of making mistakes inherent in acquiring. [24] Resolving confusion between versions of. [25]
Lengthening time unit in experience. [26] Divine insight and personal experience. [27] Facts are building blocks of wisdom which are cemented by experience. [28] Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. [29] Focalized experience engenders authoritative wisdom. [30] From studying origin, history, and destiny of situation. [31] Fruit of divinity. [32] Learned only by experiencing tribulation, adjustment to failure. [33] Let him who lacks wisdom ask. [34] Made possible by religion. [35] Perfectors of Wisdom. [36] Recognizing one’s insignificance. [37] Regarding parts from viewpoint of whole. [38] Secured only through experience by those innately intelligent. [39] Slow accumulation of painfully garnered wisdom. [40] Spiritual progress not dependent upon. [41]
See also: UB 85:7.3.