© 1961 William S. Sadler Jr.
© 1975 Urantia Foundation
Appendix XVII. Time Magnitudes of the Master Universe | Index | Appendix XIX. The Second Experiential Trinity |
God the Ultimate is the Second Experiential Deity. In the story of the Growth and development of the post-Havona creations, his emergence will intervene between the evolutionary appearance of God the Supreme and the sometime later appearance of God the Absolute. The Supreme emerges “. . . on the first creature level of unifying Deity revelation in time and space.” The Ultimate emerges on the “. . . second experiential level of unifying Deity manifestation.” God the Absolute appears on “the third level of unifying Deity expression and expansion.” UB 0:2.16-18
The emergence of the Supreme is associated with the completed evolution of the time-space domains of the grand universe. UB 0:7.8; UB 106:2.1 The subsequent emergence of the Ultimate is associated with the completed development of the much larger transcended-time-space domains of the master universe. UB 0:9.1; UB 106:2.2 The still later (and perhaps incomplete) emergence of God the Absolute seems to be involved with domains that must lie outside the boundaries of the vast master universe, domains that may be without limit in eternity — a possible Cosmos Infinite. UB 106:6.1-3; Appendix XXI)
These three projections of growth appear to involve magnitudes of three entirely different orders. If the space-scope and the time-span involved in the emergence of God the Supreme were to be given the symbolic value of “one,” then it seems likely that a comparable symbol of magnitude for the emergence of God the Ultimate would be on the order of “one-hundred million.” (Appendix XVII § 4) The symbol we would associate with the full emergence of God the Absolute would be “infinity.” (Appendix XIX § 5)
We do not know exactly when the Ultimate began to emerge, but we do know that he is not a past-eternal deity. He is a future-eternal being, but he did have a beginning in time. UB 0:7.5 Like the Supreme, the Ultimate is a derived deity; he was eventuated by the Paradise Trinity. UB 0:12.3
The Supreme Being seems to be emerging through three stages of growth: the initial emergence in Havona as a spirit person UB 56:6.2, the present era of power-personality unification UB 0:8.10, and the future stage of completed evolution. UB 117:7.14-16 The emergence of the Ultimate appears to be a more complex process that involves a larger number of successive stages of growth. We believe the story of the emergence of the Ultimate is logically presented in seven stages:
Sovereignty | Time |
(1) Initial Emergence | § before the organization of the superuniverses |
(2) Pre-Supreme Status | § before the completed evolution of the Supreme |
(3) Post-Supreme Status | § after the formation of the Trinity Ultimate |
(4) Primary Sovereignty | § after completion of the Primary Space Level |
(5) Secondary Sovereignty | § after completion of the Secondary Space Level |
(6) Tertiary Sovereignty | § after completion of the Tertiary Space Level |
(7) Completed Emergence | § upon completion of the entire master universe |
The proposition that there are seven stages of ultimate growth is not illogical. The Supreme emerges during the Second Universe Age and after the completion of the entire evolution of only one space level; the growth of the Ultimate takes place throughout five universe ages and is concerned in the development of five space levels — the superuniverse level and the four levels of outer space. In this connection we can support the reasonableness of a seven-level concept by citing the fact that the sovereignty of a Creator Son develops through seven levels of growth UB 21:3.4-11, and the Creative Spirits pass through seven stages of augmenting personalization. UB 17:6.3; Appendix VIII § 6-A, The Personalization of a Focalization.)
Let us examine these seven possible stages in the emergence of the Ultimate, from the stage of initial emergence to the final stage of completed power-personality unification.
Initial emergence of the Ultimate. We are informed that God the Supreme did appear in Havona, as a spirit person, before the organization of the superuniverses. UB 56:6.2 We deduce that God the Ultimate either appeared at the same time, or else emerged at some time prior to the appearance of the Supreme; however, the Ultimate is transcendental deity and we are instructed that transcendentals precede the finite in historic sequence. UB 105:7.1
We know the Ultimate is (now) present in Havona UB 14:6.29 and that this presence is absonite and superpersonal. UB 106:4.3 In terms of the final and completed emergence of the Ultimate as a being of “experiential-power development,” this presence is “prepersonal.” UB 10:5.5 This presence of the Ultimate is derived from the Paradise Trinity UB 0:12.3
We venture the opinion that prior to the organization of the superuniverses both the Supreme and the Ultimate (in Havona) were passive concerning power-personality unification. At such time there was no opportunity to function in any external universe of power and personality UB 0:12.4, for no such post-Havona creations were then in existence. But this need not mean that they were inactive in Havona. We know that the Circuit Spirits appeared in response “. . . to the emerging purpose of the Supreme Being . . .” although they were not “discovered in function” until much later. UB 26:2.6 We are informed that there are (unrevealed) activities and realities in Havona pertaining to the absonite and the ultimate level. UB 14:4.5-6 It is not unreasonable to suppose that, during this “quiet time” before the beginnings of the superuniverses, such absonite-ultimate activities and realities in Havona could have been affected or modified in similar manner by the “emerging purpose” of God the Ultimate. The presence of the Supreme in Havona has modified the central universe; it is likely that the similar presence of the Ultimate has had a similar effect, but on a superfinite level.
Pre-Supreme status of the Ultimate. This is the status of the Ultimate at the present time during the evolutionary epochs of the Second Universe Age and the incomplete emergence of the Supreme Being. At the present time, the Ultimate is not fully in existence; he is a becoming reality, an actualizing reality. UB 0:7.5-6 Nevertheless, we know he is presently functioning in the universes of today because some of the unpredictability of emerging energies (physical, mindal, and spiritual) is attributed to his present activities UB 12:6.6, all of which gives considerable pause for thoughtful study on the part of the Technical Advisers. UB 25:4.19 In some manner, the Ultimate foreshadows his (future) overcontrol of the universes during the advanced stages of light and life in a local universe. UB 56:7.5 And when the ascendant mortals enter the Corps of the Finality, they then and there become personally conscious of “the challenge of God the Ultimate.” UB 27:7.10
These activities of the Ultimate are all taking place prior to the emergence of the Supreme and prior to the factual formation of the Trinity Ultimate. UB 117:7.4
We know something about the mechanism of power-personality unification which operates in connection with the evolution of the Supreme — how almighty power, derived from the successes of the Supreme Creators UB 0:8.10, unites with the spirit person of the Supreme UB 0:7.7 by the action of the Supreme Mind, on the pilot world of the outer Havona circuit. UB 56:6.2 But we know nothing about the analogous mechanism which must exist in relation to the power-personality unification of the emerging Ultimate. (See, however, Appendix XXII § 7 - 9)
Post-Supreme status of the Ultimate. We understand that the evolutionary emergence of the Supreme must precede the transcendental emergence of the Ultimate. We know that the growth of the Supreme is associated with the growth of the superuniverses and, sometime in the future, they will be perfected and the Supreme will finally emerge. UB 55:12.5 He will then become the experiential ruler of those supercreations and will exercise such sovereignty under the overcontrol of the Ultimate. UB 118:2.4
This emergence of the Supreme Being makes something else possible — the factual formation of the First Experiential Trinity, of which he is a member. UB 0:12.6 The growth and emergence of the Ultimate is partly dependent on the formation and the eventual unification of this trinity. This is the trinity that will sometime supplement the present activities of the Architects of the Master Universe in the co-ordination of the affairs of this entire master creation. UB 106:3.2
We believe the Ultimate will emerge into this stage of growth at the time of the opening of the first outer space level, and that this will continue to be his status all during the Third Universe Age — the growth period of the Primary Space Level. We should recall that this space level appears to be so very much larger than the superuniverses that the traversal of just this one stage of the growth of the Ultimate may take a great deal longer than the entire Second Universe Age — the time-span required for the completed evolution and final emergence of the Supreme Being, and for the settling of all seven superuniverses in light and life. (Appendix XVII § 4)
Primary sovereignty of the Ultimate. It seems reasonable to believe that the Ultimate will pass through certain major stages of emergence as the outer space levels, one by one, complete their growth. Since there are four of these outer space levels, it seems likely that the Ultimate will pass through four stages of augmenting sovereignty. The Papers are silent on this point, but the logic of four such steps is quite appealing.
We suggest that the Ultimate will achieve a status that we have elected to call “Primary Sovereignty” when the first outer space level has completed its growth. At that time, the sovereignty of the Ultimate would be an accomplished fact in this space level, but such sovereignty would still be an unachieved potential with regard to the three remaining levels of outer space. This situation has no parallel in the evolution of the Supreme. That Finite Deity will presumably emerge when the superuniverses are settled in light and life; that is a growth cycle involving just one space level. In the post-supreme ages of the development of outer space, the Ultimate appears to be passing through a four-stage growth cycle involving four space levels.
Will the Ultimate emerge in some qualified or limited manner, in and to the Primary Space Level, when this domain has completed its growth? and before he has achieved sovereignty in even the next outer space level? We do not know, but it is an interesting possibility.
Secondary sovereignty of the Ultimate. This is the conjectured growth-status of the Ultimate after the completion of the second outer space level. If our reasoning is correct, then this status should continue throughout the long ages of the development of the third outer space level.
It seems likely that each stage in the emergence of the Ultimate will witness the augmenting personalization (superpersonalization?) of this Transcendental Deity. We know that the experiential deities are now passing through their prepersonal stages of experiential-power (sovereignty) development UB 10:5.5, and we also know that it is possible for them to become augmented in “personality prerogatives” UB 17:2.2 without achieving complete personalization.
(In this connection, see Appendix § VIII 6-A, The Personalization of a Focalization, and especially note the discussion of “Creators whose personalization is dependent on related creation.” The Supreme and the Ultimate appear to be dependent on the completion of their respective domains for the full realization of personality — the grand universe in relation to the Supreme and the master universe in relation to the Ultimate. This is analogous [but probably not homologous] to the eternity-appearance of the Infinite Spirit and the eternity-appearance of the central universe of perfection. It also seems to be analogous to the evolution of a Creative Spirit, who seems to grow increasingly personal as her local universe develops.)
Tertiary sovereignty of the Ultimate. This is the growth-status that seemingly will be attained by the Ultimate after the completion of the third outer space level. It should continue during the very long time of creative expansion into the vastness of the fourth outer space level — the final space level.
We should again recall that these later stages which are postulated in the emergence of the Ultimate will be time-spans of very great duration. They are, respectively, the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Universe Ages. In Appendix XVI, we explored the space magnitudes of the outer space levels and deduced that they were enormously larger than the superuniverses. In Appendix XVII, we then observed that the universe ages of these outer space levels were probably going to be a very great deal longer in duration than the present age of the seven superuniverses. We also deduced that these ages of the outer space levels would probably become progressively longer and longer in duration. It appears that the emergence of the Ultimate is going to require a length of time that is (technically) finite, but which is still so very large as to be virtually without meaning to us.
If the Ultimate does pass through several stages of progressive growth in outer space, then it is quite possible that the First Experiential Trinity will also pass through analogous stages of unification. This trinity is destined to bring about the experiential co-ordination of the master universe UB 106:4.2, and when this has been brought to pass, then this trinity will have achieved complete unification. UB 0:12.8 It is partly as a consequence of such completed trinity-unification UB 0:12.6 that God the Ultimate will emerge, will finally and fully power-personalize. UB 106:4.2 This event will not take place prior to the completion of growth in the Quartan Space Level — the outermost space level of the master universe. This is the completion of the growth of the entire master universe. (ibid)
Completed emergence of the Ultimate. We are informed that trinity functions always take in deity realities and that such encompassed deity realities always tend to personalize. UB 0:12.4 We are also informed that the First Experiential Trinity will eventually unify in completion. UB 0:12.8 This unification will require the completed development of the entire master universe, and this goal can be attained because it is subinfinite; it does have a quantitative limit. UB 11:7.4; UB 12:1.16) The attainment of this dual goal — completed universe and unified trinity — signalizes the emergence (the actualization) of God the Ultimate as a completed experiential deity. UB 106:3.5-7
The emergence of the Second Experiential Deity is not due solely to the achievements of the First Experiential Trinity. The emergence of the Ultimate is also predicated on the success of the post-Havona Creators, such as the post-Havona members of God the Sevenfold, whose functions “. . . will probably expand in connection with the future evolution of the creations of outer space.” UB 0:8.12 And finally, the emergence of the Ultimate is due to the success of his own efforts, to his “. . . own experiential functioning in the universes of power and personality . . .” UB 0:12.3
The factual emergence of the Ultimate will mean that transcendental values have been co-ordinated in final creative levels. In other words, the emerged Ultimate will have put together certain realities which are described UB 0:2.18 in the Papers as follows:
The experiential synthesis of these several realities is described as a power-personality synthesis UB 0:9.3, and we should remember that the word “power” is used to denote the fact of sovereignty as well as organized energy. UB 0:6.2
To draw a parallel from certain statements that are made about the emergence of the Supreme and apply them to the emergence of the Ultimate: We deduce that at this most remote future time God the Ultimate will be the actual sovereign of the master universe, that he will be (superpersonally) contactable somewhere, and that he will sustain a relationship to the citizens of the master universe that is analogous to that which now exists “. . . between the Havona natives and the Paradise Trinity.” UB 117:7.14-16 And, we would further deduce that the completed emergence of the Ultimate will bring the citizens of the master universe face to face with the challenge of God the Absolute. UB 117:7.15; UB 118:2.5
The natures of the three experiential deities all have experience in common, but otherwise they are different. UB 118:0.5,7-8 In nature —
Like the Supreme, the Ultimate is wholly experiential. UB 0:7.5 The Ultimate is even somewhat unique in this sense: he is bounded on both sides by trinities that are experiential. The other two experiential deities are not so situated. There is no experiential trinity that could have unified to give emergence to the Supreme; his evolution depends on the collaboration between the Supreme Creators and triune Paradise Deity. UB 0:8.9 And, with God the Absolute, we encounter a being who is existential as well as experiential. UB 0:7.5 The Ultimate is described as a “self-projected Deity.” UB 0:1.10 Is this because his emergence is involved in the unification of the First Experiential Trinity and his immediate destiny is in the Second? UB 0:12.6-7
There are two subabsolute levels in the master universe on which focalization of power-personalization can take place UB 0:12.1; the Supreme will power-personalize on the first of these levels UB 0:2.16, and the Ultimate will emerge on the second UB 0:9.1, but the Ultimate is much more than an amplification of the Supreme. UB 106:8.15 The completed Ultimate will actualize the absonite values of Paradise; this will be accomplished by power-personality synthesis, and this synthesis will be achieved by this Transcendental Deity on levels that are transcendental — levels that have a relationship to, but are above, time and space. UB 0:9.1
When God the Ultimate has finally emerged, after the completion of all the power-personality synthesis involved in his growth, he is defined as: UB 106:8.15
This definition of the completed, or finally emerged, Ultimate will stand some careful analysis. We have already considered the Ultimate as the deity consequence of the unification of the First Experiential Trinity. UB 0:9.1 And we have already noted that the Ultimate personalizes the absonite values of Paradise. (ibid) Now, we should carefully analyze the four phases (above) of ultimate reality that are personally experienceable, control directing, tensionally unifying, and unrevealed.
From the foregoing analysis of the factors encompassed in the power-personality unification of the Ultimate, we deduce that the personality (or superpersonality) of the Ultimate is inseparable from all of the other-than-personal phases of his deity nature. UB 106:5.2
So far, we have considered the nature of the Ultimate in rather general terms. Let us now consider certain specific qualities in his transcendental nature.
The Omnipotent. The energy-controlling phase of the Ultimate is denominated the Omnipotent. UB 118:2.4 This must be a transcendental version of the Almighty. What the Almighty is to the Supreme, the Omnipotent must be to the Ultimate, and more. The Omnipotent must be a being of very great cosmic power. Emergent energy (puissant energy and gravity energy) is a level of force-energy that reflects the “intelligent action of the Ultimate.” UB 42:2.13 On these levels of force-energy manifestation the activities of the Omnipotent encounter the physical functions of the Master Spirits, for these high Spirits also operate on these same energy levels. UB 16:4.12 A similar parallel of activities exists on the level of universe power, where the overcontrol of the Supreme UB 42:2.14 encounters the presence of the influence of the Master Spirits. UB 16:4.11 We should also consider the Sevenfold Controllers whose functions constitute the level of physical control in God the Sevenfold UB 116:5.1-9, and whose final success in working out the material equilibrium of the seven superuniverses will equal the completed evolution of the physical control on the part of the Almighty UB 116:5.12 We have ventured the thought that the Sevenfold Controllers may expand in function when they enter into relations with the Omnipotent-Ultimate in the creations of outer space. (See Appendix XII § 4, Will the Sevenfold become Tenfold in Outer Space.)
Ultimate Mind. “Infinite mind ignores time, ultimate mind transcends time, cosmic mind is conditioned by time. And so with space . . .” UB 9:4.4 Ultimate mind must be related to that “tensionally unifying” aspect of ultimacy which we have already considered. We have been told less about the mind of the Ultimate than about any other aspect of this Transcendental Deity, but we are informed that the “insight of absonity” is a quality of mind which is associated with the transcendence of finite consciousness. UB 117:3.3
Since we know so little about Ultimate Mind, let us examine some of the data that we have concerning other mind levels. We know that cosmic mind is a “subabsolute manifestation” of the absolute mind of the Infinite Spirit; its source is the Seven Master Spirits UB 16:6.1; and it appeared when these high Spirits created the Seven Supreme Power Directors. UB 116:5.10 We are also told that the power of the Almighty is united with the spirit person of God the Supreme by virtue of the Supreme Mind which was bestowed by the Infinite Spirit UB 115:4.7 at the very moment of the beginning of the process of power-personality unification. UB 56:6.2 We further know that the potential of Supreme Mind now “reposes in the Seven Master Spirits” UB 116:1.3, that Majeston serves as the convergent point for “. . . the factualizing mind of the Supreme as a time-space experience . . .” UB 0:2.14, and that the Ultimate is involved in the origin of Majeston. UB 106:8.20 We are lastly informed that the Infinite Spirit bestowed (upon someone or something) the Supreme-Ultimate Mind UB 23:4.2 in an epoch that is referred to as “near eternity” UB 23:1.1 and that this designation refers to the transitional times between the First and the Second Universe Ages — between the Age of Havona and the present universe age. (Appendix IV § 5-A)
We may accordingly deduce: the mind of the Ultimate was probably bestowed by the Infinite Spirit at the moment of the beginning of the power-personality unification of the Omnipotent with the superperson of God the Ultimate. The Seven Master Spirits may be the present repository of the potential of the Ultimate Mind, and Majeston likely serves as the convergent point for the factualizing mind of the Ultimate as a transcended-time-space experience.
Transcendent Spirit. We are informed that evolving spirit emerges from the Deity Absolute and passes through the (now) incomplete grasp of the Supreme and the Ultimate before finding final lodgment in the absolute spirit-gravity circuit of the Eternal Son. UB 7:1.11 We accordingly deduce that the Ultimate is concerned with the creation and evolution of spiritual beings and further, he must also have a spiritual nature. The Melchizedek Life Carriers have referred to the sometime future bestowal of the “transcendental and eternal spirit of absonity” by the Ultimate upon their midsonite progeny. UB 36:4.8 It would appear the Ultimate not only has a spiritual nature but he also has a bestowable spirit that may sometime be bestowed upon certain creatures in the ages to come.
Supernal Absonite. This is a superfinite quality of being that is probably present in Transcendental Deity. We do not know very much about it, but we are informed that it is a quality which is present in the natures of the Architects of the Master Universe UB 31:9.5 and, if these Transcendentalers have “supernal absonites,” we think it quite likely that God the Ultimate does also. Apparently, a “supernal absonite” is a quality that can be added to spirit, just as (on the finite level) spirit is a quality that can be added to mind.
Superpersonality. We submit that God the Ultimate is more than a personality, in the strictest use of that term. The Ultimate appears to be a superpersonality. Consider what the Papers have to say about the three value-levels that are less than infinite, and absolute, and on which the Father functions. He acts prepersonally in relation to Adjusters, personally with created beings, and superpersonally in his relations with eventuated absonite beings. UB 0:2.2-5 God the Ultimate is, in part, described as a synthesis of values that are absonite and superpersonal UB 0:2.17; but this does not mean that the Ultimate will be non-contactable by personalities. We are informed that the personal, the prepersonal, and the superpersonal are related to each other and can achieve contact with each other. UB 0:5.4
Man’s probable future relationship to the Ultimate will be that of a postfinite finaliter engaged in the ultimate adventure in outer space. UB 31:10.1; UB 117:7.17 A part of this adventure is the quest for God the Ultimate, which really begins when the mortal ascender enters the finaliter corps. UB 27:7.10 Another part of this adventure is the second quest for the Father. If our first quest for the Father is to seek to know him to the limits of finite experience, then the second quest must be to seek him on the higher levels of “the ultimate of creature experience?.” UB 117:7.17 It seems likely that this second quest is one in which we will be seeking to find God as a superperson. UB 0:2.5 And, if finaliters are postfinite beings during these ages of growth in outer space, are they still persons? or have they become superpersons? We should recall that three of the (seven) dimensions of man’s present endowment of personality are totally dormant at the present time, being reserved for growth-realization on the absonite level. UB 112:1.9
Of all the attributes of God the Ultimate, perhaps the most characteristic is the transcendence of time and space. UB 0:1.10, 13; UB 0:2.17, UB 106:4.4; and there are many other references.) The Ultimate is a Transcendental Deity, and the very word “transcendental” certainly implies something that has a relationship to time and space but is not actually limited by either one. Consider what the Papers have to say UB 0:1.11-13 about the three relationships to time and space:
The Ultimate is Transcendental Deity. He is subsabsolute, but has inherent capacity to make functional contact with the absolute level. UB 106:3.3 And we are also informed that, among other attributes, the Ultimate is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. UB 0:1.10
Omnipotence of the Ultimate. Sometime in the future, God the Ultimate will exercise transcendental overcontrol over the administration of the emerged Almighty Supreme. UB 118:6.1 Omnipotence is the power to do all, but this does not mean that the Omnipotent will personally do all that is done. UB 118:6.1 Neither does omnipotence mean the “power to do the nondoable.” Omnipotence creates, and in the process of creation of things and beings also determines the basic natures of these same things and beings. When circles are created then circularity become their inherent nature, not squareness. UB 118:5.1 We should remember that the Ultimate works on final creative levels UB 0:2.17; that prior causation conditions subsequent causation UB 118:4.2; and what the Supreme Creators and Controllers work with is what transcendental agencies have prepared. UB 118:4.3; Appendix IX § 2)
Omniscience of the Ultimate. The Ultimate Mind transcends time UB 9:4.4, and such a transcendence of time implies foreknowledge; but such omniscience does not mean the “knowing the unknowable.” UB 3:3.5 Neither does such ultimate foreknowledge mean that the free will choice of the finite creature has been abridged. UB 3:3.4 Even a sub-omniscient (supreme) unification of all finite choosing does not abrogate free will. It merely reveals the positive-good (versus negative-evil) directional trend of the evolutionary universes and their inhabitants. In the present universe age, free will choice (of both creators and creatures) can operate only within the limits set by the Architects of the Master Universe. UB 118:6.7
Omnipresence of the Ultimate. If time-transcendence is basic to all-knowingness, then the transcendence of space must be equally basic to omnipresence. Space is no barrier to omnipresent deity. UB 3:1.6 The space presence of the Ultimate extends (or will extend) to the periphery of the master universe. UB 12:6.13 This (time-space-transcended) omnipresence of the Ultimate intervenes between the (time-space-limited) ubiquity of the Supreme and the (timeless-and-spaceless) absolute presence of Absolute Deity. UB 118:2.1
Much as the Supreme is now something of a representation of the Paradise Trinity to the finite level, so also (in a qualified sense) does the Ultimate presently portray the Original Trinity to the absonite level. But such portrayal of the Trinity holds true only during the growth stages of these experiential deities — growth stages that are designated as prepersonal in relation to the development of experiential power. UB 10:5.5 When we, as finite creatures, want to think of the Paradise Trinity as a personal being, we should try to think of God the Supreme; likewise, the superfinite Transcendentalers would visualize a personalization of the Paradise Trinity as God the Ultimate. UB 10:8.2
The Paradise Deities do not now personally collaborate with the Ultimate; they work with him — as with the Supreme — through the Paradise Trinity. This mode of relationship will change, in some unknown way, whenever these experiential deities emerge from the eras of experiential growth which are designated prepersonal. UB 10:7.3 At such a future time we suspect that the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit, will personally collaborate with God the Supreme and with God the Ultimate, while the Paradise Trinity will enter into new functional relationships with the experiential trinities.
With regard to his presence in the post-Havona creations, the Universal Father has chosen to be: (a) limited by the evolving Supreme, (b) conditioned by the eventuating Ultimate, © co-ordinated by the Absolutes. UB 3:2.15 —
Similarly, the extra-Havona presence of the Eternal Son, aside from being personalized in the Paradise Sons of God, is conditioned by the Supreme and by the Ultimate. UB 7:2.1
Since the Infinite Spirit pervades all space UB 9:0.5 it would appear that he is not conditioned in his presence outside Havona, as are the Father and the Son. The Infinite Spirit is distributed to the extra-Havona universes by the Seven Master Spirits UB 9:8.2 on all subabsolute levels. UB 16:4.2 The collective attributes of the Master Spirits are quite similar to those of the Ultimate, for collectively they are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. UB 16:2.4 And the Seventh Master Spirit is able to express the attitudes of experiential deity, including the Ultimate, in the Paradise councils. UB 16:3.17
The Ultimate is very directly concerned with the appearance of the entire master universe — all except the central universe of eternal perfection. In relation to this appearance of the master creation, the Ultimate occupies a middle position between the Absolutes and the Supreme. We are informed UB 12:6.9-11 that the appearance of the master universe depends (experientially) on the following:
Within the master universe, the Ultimate is working out the “creative organization” of the three Absolutes of Potentiality. UB 12:6.11 This must mean that in some manner he is causing these absolute potentials to become so segregated and otherwise emergent as to make them responsive to subabsolute transformative actions. If this is the case, then the ability of all subabsolute creators to “create” is dependent on this prior “creative organization” of such potentials by the Ultimate. UB 118:4.7; Appendix VII § 2, The Maturation of Potential.)
The Ultimate acts (or will act) as the overcontroller and the absonite upholder of the entire master universe. UB 0:1.10 The unification of this domain is a consequence of his actions, and these actions are (presently) reflective of certain absonite functions of the Paradise Trinity. UB 10:8.2 Eventually, the Ultimate will power-personalize as the experiential co-ordinator of the whole master universe. UB 106:4.2
The Supreme and the Ultimate together constitute the fundamental association of subabsolute deity; together they correlate all master universe growth and creation. UB 118:0.9 We have previously noted: that which is pre-supreme is (generally) also pre-creative; that which is pre-ultimate appears to be super-creative. The entire story of all creation (and of evolution and eventuation) — the entire experiential story of the master universe — is in large measure the story of the Supreme and of the Ultimate. (Appendix VI § 1, The Seven Levels of Total Deity Function.)
The Ultimate is directly and indirectly related to several (known) orders of beings who function on the absonite level of reality and on the space-stage of the master universe in the present age. Five of these order will be discussed.
The Transcendentalers. These beings are not finite, neither are they infinite, they are absonite. Being neither creators nor creatures, they are spoken of as eventuators. UB 30:1.92 God is related to these beings as a superperson. UB 0:2.5 Are all Transcendentalers eventuated? It would seem so. But they may not all be persons, or even superpersons, for beings can be “absonitized” as well as “personalized.” UB 30:1.114 Gravity Messengers, attached to the mortal Corps of the Finality, are personalized; their messenger-colleagues, attached to the several non-mortal finaliter corps, are not — they are absonitized. UB 31:2.1
Transcendentalers exhibit loyalty to the Paradise Trinity and give obedience to God the Ultimate. They are concerned with the affairs of neither super- nor central universes; they are concerned with the master universe. They are “subject to God the Ultimate.” UB 31:8.2-4; Appendix XV § 3 - 4)
The description of these Personalized Adjusters and of their services is quite provocative. It calls to mind a statement that is made in connection with a discussion of providence: At any time the Father may intervene in the happenings of the universes — as determined by his will, his wisdom, and his love. UB 118:10.6 Is such an act the equivalent of an absonite intervention in the moving time-stream of finite happenings? If so, do the Personalized Adjusters have anything to do with such interventions? They could, because they serve as the “. . . agents of the full ministry of the Universal Father — personal, prepersonal, and superpersonal.” UB 109:7.3; Appendix XV § 4, Functions of Transcendentalers, especially the discussion on absonite intervention.)
Personalized Adjusters not only minister personally, prepersonally, and superpersonally, but they are these three qualities of being; they are the only beings who are designated “omnipersonal.” UB 109:7.4 They are time-eternity beings and are, in status, existential-experiential. UB 109:7.2 The only other place in the Papers that this unusual combination of paired adjectives is used is in the discussion of the Universal Absolute in the Foreword. UB 0:11.13 In our opinion, this is not a coincidence.
Personalized Adjusters not only serve in the domains of the Ultimate but also in the realms of the Supreme-Ultimate, and even on the levels of the Ultimate-Absolute. UB 109:7.5 Their work for the Ultimate extends even “. . . to the levels of God the Absolute.” UB 109:7.3
The Qualified Vicegerents of the Ultimate. There seems to be only four passages in the Papers that make reference to these mysterious agents of the Ultimate UB 15:10.21; UB 30:1.106 ; UB 106:4.3; UB 117:7.4, and these passages tell us nothing about the origin, nature, function, or destiny. Since we have no direct information, perhaps we can deduce something by this analogy: these Vicegerents might be related to God the Ultimate much as the Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme are related to God the Supreme. The Papers do have something to say about the Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme:
The Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme become more functional during the seventh stage of light and life. They “. . . are not finite, absonite, ultimate, or infinite; they are supremacy and only represent God the Supreme.” They personalize the supremacy of time-space and accordingly do not work in Havona. They work to bring about supreme unification. UB 55:12.4 If a superuniverse were to become settled in light and life, the Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme would become the high administrative body at the capital. They can contact directly with the absonite level. They act as advisors during the evolutionary epochs but do not serve as administrators until the Supreme Being is sovereign. UB 55:12.3
Now, based on what we know of the Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme, we complete the analogy by this conjecture: The Qualified Vicegerents of the Ultimate are the superpersonalization of ultimacy, and they represent no one but God the Ultimate. They superpersonalize the ultimacy of transcended-time-space. They work to bring about the absonite unification of the master universe. They can make direct contact with absolute levels. If a whole segment of the master universe should reach the levels of attained sovereignty of the Ultimate, they might serve as superadministrators. (This could happen, say, in the Primary Space Level, long before the attainment of sovereignty of the Ultimate in the space levels farther out.) Prior to the attainment of the sovereignty of the Ultimate, they would likely act as advisers and counselors.
We should, however, take note of one important difference between the two orders: (a) the Supervisors of the Supreme are designated “unqualified” — they must be able to act for the Supreme in some total or unconditioned manner, (b) the Vicegerents of the Ultimate are designated “qualified” — their representation of Ultimate Deity must, in some manner, be less than total — limited or otherwise conditioned.
Both the Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme and the Qualified Vicegerents of the Ultimate are spoken of as being influential in the governments of the superuniverses, although the members of neither group are fully active as individuals. They are able to make contact with superuniverse authorities through the ministry of the Reflective Image Aids. UB 15:10.20 The Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme appear to have a function in relation to universes that are settled in light and life UB 117:7.3, but we are not informed as to any of the present functions of the Qualified Vicegerents of the Ultimate.
The Ultimacy of Deity UB 0:1.10 is not the function of a deity, of an entity, or even of a trinity. The Ultimacy of Deity is a level of reality on which the action and the interaction of a certain phase of Total Deity takes place. UB 0:1.3 At least three deity-realities occupy (or will occupy) this seventh level of Total Deity action:
The integrated functions of the existential Trinity of Ultimacy, the experiential Trinity Ultimate, and the emerged reality of God the Ultimate, constitute (or will constitute) the Ultimacy of Deity as we understand it. The functional interaction of all three would be concerned in the function of providence — providence as it may operate on the transcendental and in relation to ultimates.
Providence is a function. It is a summation of the “other-than-personal overcontrol” of the universes, extending from the Sevenfold, through the Almighty, to the Ultimacy of Deity. UB 118:10.4 The function of providence is a measure of the positive motion of both universes and of personalities in the direction of the eternal goals, first in the Supreme, and then in the Ultimate. UB 118:10.22
Time-space transcendence. The fact of the threefold personalization of Deity on Paradise, in the face of the indivisibility and the unity of Deity, “. . . implies transcendence of both time and space by the Ultimacy of Deity . . .” consequently, neither time nor space can be either absolute or infinite. UB 1:7.7 The Paradise Deities could not personalize as three independent persons and still remain trinity-united as one undivided deity (doing both of these acts at the same time and continuing to do so all of the time) without being above (transcending) time and space.
The ultimate level of Total Deity function. On this level deity is denominated self-projected — moving forward from within itself and working in relation to, but in transcendence of, time and space. As Supremacy is the first level of the unifying expression of experiential deity, so is Ultimacy the second such level. As Supremacy ministers (finitely) to the grand universe, so does Ultimacy minister (absonitely) to the master universe. To the master universe, the Ultimacy of Deity provides “universal overcontrol and supersustenance.” UB 0:1.9 And God the Ultimate is (or will be) the experiential personality emerging from this level of Total Deity function — the transcendental trinity unification that is comprehended by absonite beings. UB 0:9.2