The grotesque practice of human sacrifices in building walls persisted, with a petty king laying the foundation of Jericho in his sons according to religious beliefs. [1]
John the Batpist established himself near the entrance to the ancient ford at Jericho, preaching to the people who crossed back and forth. [2]
During their sojourn in Bethany beyond Jordan, the apostolic couples were assigned by Andrew to minister to the sick in Jericho, where they found great comfort and healing through the teachings of Jesus and his apostles. [3] Judas lived in Jericho before joining Jesus' apostles. [4] Judas deposited funds in Jericho's bank during the journey to Jerusalem. [5] Jesus blessed little children at Jericho. [6]
Jesus discussed the legend of Joshua and the walls of Jericho, emphasizing the importance of breaking down walls of prejudice and hatred with the Father's love. [7] At Jericho, restoration of sight to Bartimeus occurred as Jesus passed by. [8] The story of the good Samaritan at Jericho teaches us to show compassion to all our neighbors. [9] Zaccheus from Jericho found salvation and became a son of Abraham when Jesus chose to stay at his house. [10]
See also: UB 124:6.7; UB 125:3.2; UB 127:3.6; UB 128:3.2; UB 147:6.2.