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7 levels of. [1] All things work together for. [2] Average men craved promises of. [3] Believers should take for granted. [4]
Available to all who sincerely seek. [5] Free gift to all who believed in Melchizedek covenant. [6] Free gift to all with faith to believe they are God’s sons. [7] Not result of righteous life; cannot be earned. [8] Progressive morontia transformation. [9] Revealed by divine Sons. [10] Revelation of divine purpose. [11] Spiritualization of moral consciousness. [12] Technique of divine evolution of mortal mind. [13]
Believing gospel, accepting divine forgiveness. [14] Faith alone. [15] Recognition of God’s sovereignty, our sonship, faith in our ability to be like God. [16] Regeneration of spirit, not deeds of flesh. [17] Truth hunger. [18]
Amida Buddha teaching of attainment by faith. [19]
Dying words were, ‘Work out your own s.’. [20] Taught achievement by human effort apart from divine help. [21] Taught universal salvation. [22]
Melchizedek taught favor with God by faith. [23] Nalda dodged issue of personal salvation. [24] Thief on cross gained salvation. [25] Tibetans believed endless repetition of rituals bestowed salvation. [26] Zaccheus found salvation. [27]
Love and mercy of God impel men to seek. [28] Makes wrongs right. [29] Never forced on anyone. [30] Not for those unwilling to be wholehearted dedicated. [31] What must I do to be saved? [32] Whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved. [33] Work out your own salvation with perseverance. [34]