Jesus said in his memorable speech: “Hate is the shadow of fear; revenge the mask of cowardice.”. [1]
Racial hatreds are caused in a great part to the absence of ideals of national leaders. THey have a superabundance of ideas, but they are poverty-stricken in ideals. [2]
Violence is the law of nature, hostility the automatic reaction of the children of nature, while war is but these same activities carried on collectively. [3] Self-deception leads to foolish fears, divers lusts, enslaving pleasures, malice, envy, and even vengeful hatred. [4]
A creative imagination is inhibited by prejudice, hate, fears, resentments, revenge and bigotries. [5] Judas was given to the indulgence of hate and suspicion. [6] Nothing can appeal to the unfeeling hearts of those who are victims of intense emotional hatred and slaves to religious prejudice. [7] He who nurses hatred in his heart and plans vengeance in his mind stands in danger of judgment. [8]
Jesus said: “Be not discouraged by the enmity of the world. If the world shall hate you, you should recall that it hated me even before it hated you.”. [9] Let us give these men no occasion for offense at our attitude. [10] It is possible we may be hated by all men for Jesus' sake, but even in these persecutions he will not forsake us; his spirit will not desert us. [11] Spirit of Truth endows with power to challenge the evils of hate and anger by the fearless acts of love and forbearance. [12] The sum of duty is vanquish hate by benevolence and love. [13]
When the flood tides of human adversity, selfishness, cruelty, hate, malice, and jealousy beat about our souls, we may rest in the assurance that there is one inner bastion, the citadel of the spirit, which is absolutely unassailable; at least this is true of every one who has dedicated the keeping of his soul to the indwelling spirit of the eternal God. [14]