The key to successful living is the abandonment of deep-seated prejudices, allowing for open-mindedness and genuine trust in the wisdom of others. [1] Soul-sealing prejudice blinds and paralyzes, hindering progress and the pursuit of eternal truths. [2] In the celestial government, all three orders are equally respected and do not discriminate in their administration over different worlds. [3] The chief trouble of half-breeds is social prejudices. [4] Blind adherence to a tyrannical doctrine enslaves men, leading to fanaticism, intolerance, and barbarous cruelties. [5]
Drawing close with service destroys prejudice, uniting souls in wisdom to share spiritual values and prevent distortion of vision and narrowness of judgment. [6]
Prejudice, inseparably linked to selfishness, obstructs the soul from embracing truth; only through selfless devotion to a cause greater than oneself can prejudice be eradicated, leading to the pursuit of divine values. [7] Nothing appeals to slaves of intense emotional hatred and religious prejudice. [8] Pentecost obliterated religious discrimination based on gender and set women free from all biases in the new religion. [9]
Adjusters’ work is often thwarted by mortal races' innate natures and individuals' preconceived opinions, settled ideas, and long-standing prejudices. [10] A creative imagination must be controlled and directed to produce worthy children, but prejudice and hate preoccupy the stage. [11] Prejudice stifles growth and poses a serious threat to spiritual development. [12]