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Ancients mistrusted l., sought tangible guarantee regarding marriage. [1] Be purified through. [2] Can turn into hate through disappointment, jealousy, resentment. [3] Cannot be weighed in balance. [4]
4 reactions of fatherly love. [5] Always looks for the best. [6] Appears in mortal personality by ministry of Adjuster. [7] Circuit is from Father, through Sons to brothers, to Supreme. [8] Credential of Jesus’ mission. [9] Desire to do good to others. [10] Divinity correlated in personality. [11] Doubt not Father’s love. [12]
Brings universal brotherhood into being. [13] Casts out all fear. [14] Destroys hate and sin, all weakness resulting therefrom. [15] He who dwells in love dwells in God. [16] Infectious; more catching than hate. [17] Operates directly in heart of individual. [18] Requires us to love as Jesus loves us. [19] Saves the sinner. [20] Triumph of love in Lucifer rebellion. [21]
Essence of Jesus’ teaching. [22] Essence of religion; wellspring of civilization. [23] Eternally creative. [24] Evidence of spiritual rebirth. [25] Flows outward to creation through the Supreme. [26] Follows us now and throughout eternal ages. [27] From God. [28] Fruit of the Spirit. [29] Fully perceived, is coincident with divine justice. [30] God is love. [31] God is love, but love is not God. [32] God loves not like a Father but as a father. [33] God’s greatest satisfaction is in loving, being loved. [34] Grasping highest good of individual loved. [35] Greatest of all spirit realities. [36] Has severe disciplines. [37] Intelligent and farseeing parental affection. [38] Is source of parental love. [39] Made real by loving each other. [40] Mortals can feel undiminished impact of. [41] Never self-seeking, cannot be self-bestowed. [42] Not secondary to anything in God’s nature. [43] Not shortsighted affection which pampers, spoils. [44] Outworking of divine urge of life. [45] Portrays transcendent value of each personality. [46] Seen in Father’s intrusting us with everything we might perform. [47] Sum total of truth, beauty, and goodness. [48] True, holy, unlimited, eternal, and unique. [49] True guide to real insight. [50] Volitional will of God. [51]
Domination by love brought Adjuster prior to Spirit of Truth. [52] Dove was symbol of. [53] Experientially unify with divine law. [54] Express in intelligent ministry. [55] Fatherly love transcends brotherly affection. [56] Gives and craves affection. [57] Immeasurable gulf between spiritual love and thought. [58] Love with new and startling affection. [59]
By the grace of faith. [60] Divine love awakens love in human heart. [61] Each day learn to love one more human being. [62] Faith enhances. [63] Freely give and receive love. [64] Greatest love is to lay down life for friends. [65] Human love is reciprocal. [66] Love becomes real only when bestowed upon others. [67] Love cannot be created, manufactured, or purchased; it must grow. [68] Love is only born of thorough understanding of neighbor’s motives, sentiments. [69] Learn to love others by loving Father; becoming interested in others’ welfare. [70] One cannot bring love forth by act of will. [71] Suspicion incompatible with love. [72] The more we bestow ourselves upon our fellows, the more we love them. [73]
To share Master’s love, we must share his service. [74] Very much a direct response to being loved. [75] Man’s nearest approach to God is through. [76] Man’s understanding of love is only relatively true. [77]
Do not allow love to become stumbling block. [78] Human word symbol unfit. [79] Illusory without truth, beauty, and goodness. [80] Love for purpose of affectionate possession. [81] Often dangerous, semiselfish trait in mortal parents. [82] Selfish qualities of. [83]
Money cannot love. [84] Mother love is an adjutant mind-spirit instinct. [85] Must dominate personality. [86] Mutual regard of whole personalities; love not the souls of men, but men themselves. [87] Not natural for man. [88] Only a God-knowing person can love others as himself. [89] Persons only love and hate other persons. [90] Prevents estrangements which necessitate repentance. [91] Requires knowledge for human things; produces knowledge for divine things. [92] Secret of beneficial association. [93] Strengthens character, creates happiness. [94] Subjective philosophic abstractions are devoid of. [95] Supplies soil for religious growth. [96] Written examination cannot prove. [97]
See also: UB 2:5.