Ancient peoples, notably the Chinese, discover agriculture accidentally. [1] Andites were expert farmers. [2] Agriculture appeared in age of Planetary Prince. [3] The growing of plants exerts an ennobling influence; association with plants instills patience, quiet, and peace. [4] Cain, the son of Eve and Cano, was farmer. [5] Farmer is victim of drought, floods, hail, storms, pests, diseases, heat, and cold. Thar brought ideas about chance and luck. [6] Farmers are conservative. [7]
The coming of agriculture has enhanced woman’s prestige and social standing up to the time man himself turned agriculturist and not only warrior. When men displaced women and applied war techniques learned at war, they greatly improved agriculture. [8] Agriculture is the highest blessing; most human of all activities. [9] Hunters and herders looked down upon farmers. [10] Institutions of slavery and private land came with agriculture. [11] Agriculture is universal on all atmospheric worlds. [12] Weakness of agriculture and industry is lack of excitement and adventure. [13]