The Father works to improve our earthly state. If we could all be healed of our diseases, we would indeed marvel, but it is even greater to be cleansed of all spiritual disease and be healed of all moral infirmities. [1] Painful illnesses and world-wide scourges, as time passes, always work out for the welfare and progress of the universes. [2] Pain is an inevitability in a world that seeks attain the satisfaction of hapiness. [3]
At one time physicians believed in bloodletting as a cure for many diseases, but they have since discovered better remedies for most of these disorders. [4]
The entire life of ancient men was prophylactic; their religion was in no small measure a technique for disease prevention. And regardless of the error in their theories, they were wholehearted in putting them into effect; they had unbounded faith in their methods of treatment, and that, in itself, is a powerful remedy. [5]
The earliest hypothesis of disease and death was that spirits caused disease by enticing the soul out of the body. Regardless the belief is erroneous, they did effectively isolate afflicted individuals and prevent the spread of contagious disease. [6] Primitive man believed disease:
Cooking, boiling and roasting, are a means of avoiding sickness. [13]
There are certain healing chemicals, that when our scientists know them better, they will become more efficient in the treatment of injuries, and indirectly they will know more about controlling certain serious diseases. [14] The human body cells are akin to the living disease-producing microscopic and ultramicroscopic organisms of the realm. [15] The majority of disease-causing bacteria and their auxiliary virus bodies really belong to this group of renegade parasitic fungi. [16]
Faith exhibits inexplicable poise notwithstanding baffling diseases and even acute physical suffering. [17] For healing sickness we must use both material treatment and spiritual practices of prayer and faith encouragement. [18]
The faith that get well under the foolish ministrations of ancient shamans was, after all, not materially different from current nonscientific treatment of disease. [19]
At Bethsaida hospital organized by believers in Jesus sick were segregated by sickness types. [20] Jesus asisted a woman which disease was only spirit of infirmity. [21] In bestowal Son era disease has been practically mastered. [22]
The body cells of the Material Sons and their progeny are far more resistant to disease than are those of the evolutionary beings indigenous to the planet. [23]
The great handicap confronting Urantia in the matter of attaining the high planetary destiny of light and life is embraced in the problems of disease, degeneracy, war, multicolored races, and multilingualism. [24] There are physical, mental and emotional illnesses; and until the time of Jesus there were demonic possessions. [25]
Mankind has been very slow to learn the material secrets of the interrelationship of cause and effect. Slowly and certainly the unfolding of a scientific era is destroying man’s age-old theories of sickness and death. [26] Diseases mentioned in The Urantia Book: