Adam fostered manufacturing, trade relations with outside. The world of Urantia saw promise in Adam's efforts to expand Edenic civilization through industry and trade. [1]
The amazing creativity of American industrialism has contributed to unprecedented material progress in Western civilization, but the secularistic revolt that spawned it also led to world wars and international unsettledness due to losing sight of God and true religion. [2]
The Andites contributed manufacturing to every nation they journeyed to, spreading Mesopotamian culture across Europe, India, China, northern Africa, and the Pacific Islands. [3]
Before the dawn of early frugality and primitive industry, the average tribe suffered destitution and real suffering, but through labor and organization, wealth and prosperity emerged. [4] The development of industry required government to regulate human contacts and maintain law, order, and social adjustment. [5]
In this continental nation, industrial courts have helped to resolve economic misunderstandings and promote sincere cooperation between capital and labor, leading to workers increasingly becoming shareholders and social antagonisms lessening. [6]
Manufacturing was encouraged by Prince’s staff and greatly contributed to the elevation of standards of living by providing new commodities for primitive men. [7]
Metalworking and all the arts of manufacture in China date back to 10,000 B.C., following the arrival of Andite immigrants and climatic changes in Turkestan. [8]
The tension between herders and tillers stems from their differing tendencies towards militancy and peace, with agriculture and industry both lacking in excitement and adventure. [9] The Adamic age brings an immediate upstepping in intellectual capacity, acceleration of spiritual progress, and a golden age of manufacturing. [10]
Jesus advised focusing on spiritual regeneration and intellectual emancipation, avoiding involvement in the economic and political structures of the time, and prioritizing the ideal religious life on Urantia. [11] Science and the modern factory have truly liberated woman from domestic slavery, granting her personal liberty and equality with man. [12] The perils of industrialism have fostered nationalism, destroyed weak peoples, and selectively stratified society. [13]
The ideal state should regulate social conduct to prevent unfairness and violence, but must also avoid handicapping industry with taxation to maintain peace and prevent tyranny. [14] The survival of contending groups in civilization is determined by the effectiveness of mechanical devices. [15]
Vocation builders on transition worlds contribute to a necessary economy of specialized labor and mutual ministry, constructing the abodes of spiritual and morontia beings. [16]