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Absolute of timeis eternity. [1] Alone ripens fruit on tree. [2] Animals possess no self-consciousness of. [3] Constellations use local universe time. [4]
Havona day is 1000 Urantia years. [5] Nebadon day is 18 Urantia days, 6 hours. [6] Nebadon year is 100 days; 5 Urantia years. [7]
7-day week because 7 was 1/4 of 28. [8] Jews reckoned day as beginning at sunset. [9] Old Testament confusion on months, years. [10] Origin of almost sacred sanction of 7-day week. [11] Primitive time based on lunar month. [12] Urantia Papers use current usage. [13] Paradise cycle is 2 billion Urantia years. [14] Paradise-Havona standard day is about 1000 Urantia years. [15] Satania-Jerusem day is 3 Urantia days; week is 10 Jerusem days; year is 100 days. [16] Standard time is local universe, Salvington time. [17] Uversa day is 30 Urantia days; year is 100 days. [18]
Faith in Jesus provides salvation from time. [19]
Criterion by which self evaluates life. [20] Cushions premature escape from barriers to human action. [21] Enables finite to coexist with Infinite. [22] Greatest aid and most formidable obstacle to reality perception. [23] Permits growth for that which grows. [24] Time lag of mercy before fruition of evil and judgment. [25]
Gravity responses of spirit, mind, and matter are independent of. [26] Imports of Time portray time necessary to complete task. [27] Jesus’ Creator prerogatives not limited by time; his miracles abridged time. [28] Lucifer attempted to short-circuit. [29]
Circular simultaneity displaces consciousness of linear sequence. [30] Cognizance by mind, spirit, and personality. [31] Coming into existence of time. [32] Exists by virtue of motion and mind awareness of sequentiality. [33] Experience in eternity. [34] Fragment of nonbeginning, nonending continuum. [35] Indirect bestowal of Paradise. [36] Is relative. [37] Motions of time are currents in stream of eternity. [38] Neither absolute nor infinite. [39] Nonexistent on Paradise. [40] Nonexistent to sleeping survivors. [41] Not measured by space. [42] Of little consequence in Havona. [43] Relationship to eternity. [44] Rest is negative utilization of. [45] Sequence blurs at upper limits of finite. [46] Shadow of eternity on moving panoply of space. [47] Succession-arrangement whereby events are perceived by analysis. [48] Time and space inseparable in superuniverses; vital factor. [49]
Personalized Adjusters not conscious of. [50] Reflectivity independent of. [51]
Always difficult suddenly to accept advanced truth. [52] Dedicate to contemplation of eternal realities. [53] Essential to all human adjustment, except moral and spiritual. [54] Fatally squandered only when buried in neglect. [55] Humans are born, live, and die in an instant of time. [56] In morontia, no longer available to circumvent disagreeable obligations. [57] Life is a day’s work; do it well. [58] Maturity directly related to length of time consciousness. [59] Time is the one universal endowment. [60]