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Among Adam and Eve’s administrators. [1]
Admitted into full fellowship of early church. [2] Andrew’s strict rules upon apostles’ work with. [3] Apostles believed women inferior. [4] Paul did not consider women equals. [5]
For man to salute woman in public. [6] For women to approach strange men. [7] For women to sit at public banquet. [8] For women to sit in main area of temple. [9]
Exempt from temple head tax. [10] Not required to attend Passover in Jerusalem. [11] Were property in Old Testament. [12] Words of law better burned than delivered to. [13]
Abortion common after taboo on childbirth among unmarried. [14] Aged very early. [15] Ate children to renew strength lost in childbearing. [16] Before herding era, mothers nursed until 4 to 5. [17] Committed suicide on husbands’ graves. [18] Daughters desired because they were salable. [19] Degradation of women a reason for Roman decline. [20] Earliest traders. [21] Early warriors prohibited from associating with. [22] Exempted from war. [23] Formed secret societies. [24] Girl babies often killed before era of wife purchase. [25] Legends of Eve and Pandora. [26] Maintained settled residence to cultivate soil. [27] Man’s first trading was exchange of. [28] More restrictive taboos on women than men. [29] Primitive men could kill wives if paid for. [30] Provided vegetable edibles in prepastoral society. [31] Scarcely more than human animals in pastoral age. [32] Selected as shamans because of tending home fires. [33] Some tribes had female rulers. [34] Stealing women always caused war. [35] Taboos have kept women strictly in own fields. [36] Unmarried women were property of chief or men of tribe. [37] Valued as food providers, burden bearers, means of sex gratification. [38] Were property, slaves, partners, or playthings. [39]
Increased rights. [40] Islam teaches inferiority of women. [41] Jesus taught equality. [42] Men have no rightful authority over women not voluntarily given. [43] Prove worthy of new accomplishments? [44] Science emancipated, not religion. [45] W.’s rights are not men’s rights. [46]
Men regarded women with ignorant mistrust, fearful fascination. [47]
Capitalized on men’s stronger sex urges. [48] Compelling mother love is handicapping emotion. [49] Desire protection of marriage because of attachment to offspring. [50] Did not function in emergency. [51] Loose methods of labor. [52] Moral standard-bearers and spiritual leaders. [53] More intuitive than men; somewhat less logical. [54] Shrewd managers of men. [55] Tendency to look upon immediate results. [56]
Rule men on some planets. [57] Specialization of labor based on sex. [58] Where woman is is always regarded as home. [59]