Only man, with the capability to transcend the blind urge to live and reach the high plane of intelligent art, possesses the self-conscious insight into the meanings of meanings. [1]
Enhancing universe insight by adjusting socialization techniques to grasp eternal goal-meanings in seemingly insignificant activities furthers the Paradise-ascension career. [2]
Humor can help achieve insight by providing a safety valve for pressures of self-contemplation and by lessening the impact of unexpected facts or truths. [3] Insight can be exercised before experimentation, allowing for learning from looking as well as from leaping. [4] Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence. [5] Spirit-indwelt man has the power of prevision into the future, visualizing forward-looking and progressive attitudes that are truly human. [6] Insight precedes foresight in the cosmic economy, with life coming before evaluation or interpretation in all concepts of selfhood. [7] Stars are best discerned from the lonely isolation of experiential depths, not from the illuminated and ecstatic mountain tops. [8] Personality's finite dimensions encompass cosmic length meaning, depth value, breadth insight. [9]