This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Administered by Father, Son, and Spirit as one. [1] Architects of Master Universe embody Deity concept of. [2] Destiny. [3] Father’s house. [4] God’s relation to. [5]
Brief history. [6] Can never contain infinity of God. [7] Creation of love, law, unity, and progressive Deity attainment. [8] Exists on finite, transcendental, and absolute levels. [9] Infinitely integrated aggregation of real units, relatively subject to destiny of the whole. [10] Is fatherly. [11] Is friendly. [12] Is like a scientist. [13] Mind planned, mind made, mind administered. [14] Not being managed merely to meet our approval. [15] Not egocentric. [16] Not explainable; universe exists because God so willed. [17] Not inevitable, accidental, or self-existent. [18] One vast integrated mechanism absolutely controlled by one infinite mind. [19] Seven-dimensional. [20] Vast training school. [21] Watchword is progress. [22] Will be always young in face of limitless possibilities of never-ending eternity. [23] Without significance apart from I AM. [24]
375 million new galaxies soon observable. [25] All but infinite. [26] Constantly being renewed. [27] Emanated from Paradise through Unqualified Absolute. [28] Endless, limitless, and all-inclusive – timeless, spaceless, and unqualified. [29] Established circuits continually jeopardized by appearance of new energy and mass. [30] Expanding. Gravity control of Paradise adequate for an infinite universe. [31] Is delimited; moves in vast elongated plane around Paradise. [32] Is stable; does not run down. [33] Material universe is physical presence of the Infinite. [34] Penetrated by intelligence circuits, energy lanes. [35] Would collapse if God ceased to uphold. [36]
Postulated ever-expanding universe of infinity. [37] Purpose. [38]