Every impulse of every electron, thought, or spirit is an acting unit in the whole universe; no thing or being lives in isolation. [1] Prayer prevents isolation of personality while contributing greatly to the development of the religious sentiment. [2] Religion cures man's sense of idealistic isolation by enfranchising him as a son of God and citizen of a new universe. [3]
Civilized society is the result of man's early efforts to overcome his dislike of isolation, despite the turmoil and conflicts that may arise within it. [4] The Spirit of Truth destroys feelings of orphanhood, fostering truth and liberating humanity's highest form of freedom. [5]
The divergence of personality from the trend of the universe leads to intellectual and spiritual isolation, marking a misadaptation of self-conscious life. [6]
Isolation exhausts the soul's energy charge, but association with others renews the zest for living and strengthens the courage to face life's battles. [7] Isolation is fatal to happiness; sharing life with others is essential for true joy. [8]
Prolonged isolation in the form of religious daydreaming can be dangerous, as it may lead to a trancelike state of visionary consciousness that should not be cultivated. [9]
Without the love and understanding of others, it is not good for man to be alone, for true character development requires mutual self-expression and appreciation in the affectionate and understanding friendships of marriage and friendship. [10]
Isolation on Urantia and associated worlds offers a unique opportunity for the exercise of faith and development of confidence in cosmic reliability independent of material considerations, leading to potential extraordinary achievements for ascenders known as agondonters. [11]
Adam and Eve, isolated on Urantia, were painfully aware of the daunting task ahead of them, facing loneliness and despair as they struggled to fulfill their mission in a world plagued by rebellion and confusion. [12]
Buddhism advocated isolation from objective reality, highlighting a limitation in the original gospel of Siddhartha that advocated complete liberation of the human self through isolation rather than identification with cosmic reality for true self-realization. [13] The fate of Judas is a solemn warning against the dangers of isolation, as highlighted by the Master in his farewell message to the apostles. [14] Thomas would have fared better with his fellow apostles, especially during his spells of despondency and isolation. [15]
Isolation from progressive spiritual aims can result from weariness, doubt, and confusion as creatures struggle to locate the invisible Father in Creator Sons, growing weary in progression and losing the ability to see God. [16]
Following Jesus' instruction to go apart, his hearers rose to their feet but were stopped, directed to seek the unemotional answer alone with the Father, finding wisdom, strength, and spiritual guidance. [17]
Jesus destroyed the basis for feelings of isolation by declaring that man is a child of God, expanding love to include all as neighbors and breaking down forms of selfish isolation. [18] The faith of Jesus provides salvation from self and deliverance from creature isolation. [19]
The morality of Jesus demands active social contact and is based on the personal relationship of the individual with God, emphasizing the importance of positive motives and righteous living. [20] Even when feeling alone in the world, remember that He knows of our isolation, offering solace and assurance in times of tribulation. [21]
After spending 40 days in the wilderness, Jesus emerged with a clear and unwavering dedication to carry out the will of his heavenly Father without compromising with the expectations of the world. [22]
Jesus' indwelling Thought Adjuster led him to Mount Hermon for a period of isolation, where he achieved mastery of his human mind and consecration to his earth lifework. [23] Through his solitary communion with his Father, Jesus made profound decisions that shaped the course of his earthly mission. [24] Jesus triumphed over all fears of creature personality isolation, revealing the final victory over such fears to the worlds. [25]