This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Accrues as consequence of God-revealing Adjuster in hungry mortal mind. [1] Achieved independent of sociomoral differentials. [2] Adjuster attaches feeling of reality to. [3] Connotes choice between truth and error. [4] Detects harmony in chaos. [5] Discerners of Spirits have inherent. [6] Discerns spiritual realities. [7] Divine personality only grasped by. [8] Endowment of cosmic mind and Adjuster. [9] Genuine religious reflection. [10] Gift of God. [11] Inner and spiritual communion. [12] Leads directly to unselfish acts of social service. [13] Mind of the spirit. [14] Quality of worship determined by depth of perception. [15] Seeing God by faith. [16] Social leadership transformed by. [17] Transcends and supervenes mind consciousness. [18] Turns defeat into higher determinations. [19]