Daligastia is a secondary Lanonandek Son, number 319,407 of this order. [1] Dalamatia, the city of the Planetary Prince on Urantia, was named so in honor of Daligastia. [2] He presided over the ten councils of the hundred of Caligastia, the retinue of councilors of Caligastia. [3]
Before Caligastia declared himself absolute sovereign of Urantia he demanded that the Prince's corporeal staff resign pending redistribution of authority. [4] He proclaimed Caligastia as "God of Urantia". [5] He ordered rebel personnel to reproduce sexually to increase their numbers since they had become mortal. [6] He was deprived of most of the power to do evil in Van's time. [7] He tried to resist Adam's work. [8] He made overtures to the sons of Adam but with little influence. [9] Miguel offered mercy to Daligastia, but he rejected it. [10] He was never able to oppress or coerce normal individuals against his will. [11] Since Pentecost, he is servile to Adjusters and the Spirit of Truth. [12] Still today he is free on Urantia. [13]