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Adamic blood better prepares for. [1] Allow Spirit of Truth to do his own work. [2] Apostles laid on hands in token of receiving. [3]
All will not choose to receive. [4] Chief mission of bestowal Son. [5] Independent of all ceremonies. [6] Limited by man’s reception of mission of bestowal Son. [7] Master Spirit’s, Mother Spirit involvement. [8] No demon possession after. [9] Received in accordance with love for truth, capacity to grasp. [10] Sent to those proclaiming gospel. [11] Upon all normal minds of moral status since Pentecost. [12] Upon all sincere believers. [13]
Caligastia servile before. [14] Changes throughout local universe after Creator Son’s final bestowal. [15] Combined operations with Adjuster. [16] Creator Son in perfect communication with bestowal world through. [17] Cup of remembrance is emblem of. [18]
Comforter. [19] Conviction of truth. [20] Functionally centered in Mother Spirit. [21] Just like Jesus without his material body. [22] Personification of truth. [23] Spirit of Creator Son. [24] Spirit of Creator Son and spirit of planet’s bestowal Son. [25] Spirit of Father and Creator Son. [26] Spiritual foundation for great achievements. [27] Universe presence analogous to Master Spirits. [28] Well of living water springing up into eternal life. [29] With believers as Father was with Jesus. [30]
Does not indwell individual minds. [31]
Acts on idea-decisions spiritized by Adjuster. [32] Bears witness with our spirits that we are sons of God. [33] Becomes power-multiplying fulcrum of service. [34] Comforts and guides. [35] Creates consciousness of Michael, not himself. [36] Directs loving contact of mortals. [37] Draws children of light toward one another. [38] Draws us to Michael. [39] Endows believers with power from on high. [40] Equips believers to overcome evil with good. [41] Establishes believers in kingdom. [42] Fosters and personalizes truth; destroys believer’s feeling of orphanhood. [43] Gives new sense of joy, security, confidence, insight, and power. [44] Helps us recall and understand words and realities of Jesus. [45] Illuminates difference between sin and righteousness. [46] Leads believers into all truth. [47] Leads believers to labor for extension of kingdom. [48] Makes men free. [49] Makes religion personal. [50] Prepares men’s minds for Adjusters. [51] Purifies human hearts. [52] Shows us things to come. [53] Shows way at every crossroad. [54] Teaches us here on earth and through the eternal ages. [55] Transforms, strengthens, and endows us. [56] Unfolds truth folded up in person of Jesus. [57]
Jesus had to leave before sending. [58] Look for Spirit of Truth in every wise saying. [59] Mystery how Spirit of Truth associated with souls. [60] Planetary isolation of little concern to mortals since pouring. Out of. [61] Sin separates sinner from communion with. [62] Spiritual philosophy is endowment of. [63] Unerringly responds. [64]
See also: UB 180:4-6; UB 194; UB 120:2.4,6; UB 174:5.12; UB 178:1.6; UB 181:1.5.