The hope of a better nation—or a better world—is bound up in the progress and enlightenment of the individual. [1] Father treats each ascending son as cosmic individuals, the Supreme treats his experiential children as a single cosmic total. [2] God modifies his actions to contribute to the balanced conduct of each universe and personality in accordance with local evolutionary plans. [3]
The gospel of Jesus supernally enhances and exalts every mortal, aligning with the truth of the dominance of the Supreme Mind in the ever-ascending achievements of evolution. [4] Greek philosophy and teachings of Jesus aimed at the emergence of human freedom through social, political, and spiritual liberty. [5] Nothing was as important to Jesus as the individual human being in his immediate presence. [6]
The overdevelopment of institutions detracts from the worth-whileness of the individual by overshadowing personality and diminishing initiative, emphasizing the need for man to control rather than be dominated by them. [7] Prince's staff preached individual initiative, breaking the chains of tradition-bound mores in favor of unleashing the creative powers of personality. [8]
Religion fosters the progress of individuals, transforming them into powerful personalities, while simultaneously advancing the collective through their achievements. [9] Relation to group.
The universe rulers prioritize the eternal life of one mortal over risking system rebellion, demonstrating patience, tolerance, understanding, and merciful sympathy in the universal plan of mortal repersonalization. [10]