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Administered directly from Divinington. [1]
Adjuster has full data respecting candidate prior to volunteering. [2] Assigned when children make first moral decision. [3] Conditions associated with arrival prior to Spirit of Truth. [4] Creature’s sex of no consideration in assignment. [5] Guardian seraphim arrive with planet’s first Adjusters. [6] Human personality antecedent to Adjuster’s arrival. [7] Increasingly bestowed upon post-Adamic men. [8] Of Jesus’. [9] Reach human subjects just prior to 6th birthday. [10] Selection and assignment. [11] Sent to all mortals after bestowal Son’s visitation. [12] Sent to all normal morally conscious mortals. [13] Sent without announcement or explanation. [14] Spirit of Truth prepares for planetary reception. [15] Supreme Being sometimes causes bestowal on non-fusion worlds. [16]
Avail themselves of reflectivity service. [17] Better adapted secondary midwayers able to attain contact with. [18] Communicate with Father by prepersonal circuits; spirit-gravity. Circuits. [19] Divine presence most fully discovered in communion with. [20] Do not leave during transit sleeps between mansion worlds. [21] Fusion with. [22] Great days in individual careers. [23]
Adjuster of human being through whom Urantia Papers given. [24] Adjuster of Melchizedek and Jesus only one ever to serve twice on Urantia. [25] Andon and Fonta made decisions which enabled Adjusters to indwell. [26] Assembled Andonic counterparts for Prince’s staff. [27] Brahman philosophy very near realization of. [28] Came in great numbers in days of Onagar. [29] Clear Buddhist teaching of. [30] Empowered Amadon to be loyal in rebellion. [31] Indwelt Cain when he sought divine assistance. [32] Jesus achieved perfect synchrony with. [33] Many great leaders exerted influence because of previous experience of their Thought Adjusters. [34] One of most useful Thought Adjusters on Urantia previously indwelt 15 minds in Orvonton. [35] Plea to human subject. [36]
Human subjects often known by numbers of their Thought Adjusters. [37] If withdrawn, Urantia would return to barbarism. [38]
By name on Divinington. [39] Difficulty finding appropriate name for. [40] Divine spark, spark of infinity, immortal germ. [41] Fragment of infinity. [42] Mystery Monitors. [43] Thought Adjusters, when subjects are age 20 to 40. [44] Thought Changers, until age 20. [45] Thought Controllers, after 40. [46] True lights which light every man. [47]
Master Spirit Number One is close associate of chief of. [48]
Adjuster’s problem. [49] Lure subjects upward toward future and better life. [50] Always participate in conflicts between what really is right or wrong. [51] Always waiting to act decisively in accordance with human choice. [52] Attach feeling of reality to man’s spiritual insight. [53] Bring along ideal plan for mortal career. [54] Build spiritual counterparts of mortal careers, spiritually significant events. [55] Carry away everything of survival value from nonsurvivors. [56] Combine and spiritize human idea-decisions. [57] Combine operations with Spirit of Truth. [58] Concerned to make life reasonably difficult, so as to stimulate decisions. [59] Create capacity for reciprocal contact with divinity. [60] Create hunger and thirst for righteousness, craving for perfection. [61] Deeply interested in subjects’ temporal welfare and achievements. [62] During sleep, sometimes arrest mental currents; effect deep spiritual transformations. [63] Equal partners with human mind in fostering soul. [64] Exceptionally efficient while subjects are in seraphic transport. [65] Facilitate human communication. [66] Father draws nearest to mortals by. [67] Gain experience indwelling primitive mortals. [68] Go through experiences as a part of us – as us. [69] Indwell midwayers in light and life. [70] Indwell mind, not physical brain. [71] Lead man to, and conduct, worship. [72] Least active when seraphim are most active. [73] Make contact in spiritualized thinking, not by feelings or emotions. [74] Make discernible other spiritual influences. [75] Manipulate but never dominate man’s mind against his will. [76] Not much concerned with affairs of temporal life. [77] Only evolutionary will creatures are indwelt by Thought Adjusters. [78] Overcome human limitations. [79] Participate in every temporal struggle. [80] Place slight preference upon altruistic impulses. [81] Possess transcripts of sleeping survivor’s spiritized mind, memory, and personality. [82] Receive and translate continuous stream of spiritual intelligences to material mind. [83] Register subjects’ adoration in presence of Father. [84] Relation to other spiritual influences. [85] Relation to planetary mortal types. [86] Released if subjects finally reject survival, or if their brains. Are irreparably damaged. [87] Repeatedly indwell mortals until one survives. [88] Retain duplicates of entire life’s experiences. [89] Retain spirit elements of nonsurviving mortals; Spirit-fusion subjects. [90] Serve as temporary guides for mortals destined for Son fusion or Spirit fusion; build up souls. [91] Seven Master Spirits have no involvement with. [92] Some indwell Paradise Sons on bestowal missions. [93] Somehow register hope and trust. [94] Sometimes detached for contact with superhuman intelligences. [95] Thought Adjusters are identity of sleeping survivors. [96] Temporary indwelling for primitives. [97] To be Father to mortals, elevate mortals to perfection. [98] Translate sense of duty into faith in revelation; transmute God-fear into God-love. [99] Unify evolving creatures with God on Paradise. [100]
Absolute oneness achieved only in eternity. [101] Adjuster-expression is manifestation of mortal’s real and better self. [102] Agreement to survive is mortal’s 1st jubilee. [103] All who yield to Thought Adjusters eventually come to Jesus. [104] Approach Adjusters through living faith, sincere worship, wholehearted and unselfish prayer. [105] Augment harmony with Thought Adjusters by loving God, serving man, living by highest values, accepting cosmic citizenship. [106] Contact facilitated by loving service. [107] Do not look to Adjuster for selfish consolation. [108] Evidences of Adjuster’s indwelling. [109] Faith-insight is an Adjuster endowment. [110] Faith releases Adjuster’s superhuman activities. [111] God’s presence determined by degree of co-operation. [112] Impulse of altruism, mercy towards the weak and needy, derives from. [113] Inescapable death results when self-concepts fully displace Adjuster governance. [114] Is ceasing to resist – our steadfast faith. [115] Man can evolve moral insight because of indwelling Adjuster. [116] Man coheres in Father through Adjuster. [117] Material handicaps to Thought Adjusters’ work. [118] May be unconscious. [119] Mind endowed with Holy Spirit has capacity to choose Thought Adjusters. [120] Mortal consciousness of Adjuster based on perceptions of truth and goodness; motivation to love. [121] Mortal free will affords channel for liberation of Adjuster’s divine and infinite nature. [122] Permit Adjusters to fight with us and for us. [123] Personality attainment is identification with. [124] Realizing presence of Adjuster lifts man out of and beyond himself. [125] Spiritual status is measure of attunement with. [126] Survival attested to by Adjuster’s answer at dispensational roll call. [127] Survival dependent on choosing values selected by Thought Adjusters. [128] Thought Adjusters is man’s infallible cosmic compass. [129] Thought Adjusters is pilot, mind is ship, will is captain. [130] Thought Adjusters augment qualitative manifestation of personality. [131] Thought Adjusters indwell men subject to human will. [132] Thought Adjusters possessing special previous experience are source of mortal ability. [133] Union with Adjuster confers eternal life. [134] We can be more certain of Thought Adjusters than of reality of our fellows. [135] We should cherish Adjusters more affectionately. [136]
Adjuster influence is for the most part a superconscious experience. [137] Adjusters constantly communicate with human subjects. [138] Adjusters register picturizations of destiny with augmenting vividness and conviction. [139] Apparent voice of Adjuster is usually an emanation of intellect. [140] Challenge is to achieve better communication with Thought Adjusters. [141] Difficult for Thought Adjusters to engage in direct communication with material mind. [142] Direct and immediate communication upon attaining 1st psychic circle. [143] Erroneous concepts of Adjuster guidance. [144] Ever-present possibility of immediate communion. [145] Heed Adjuster’s distant echo. [146] Human mind almost deaf to. [147] Improved in light and life. [148] In supreme decision, mortals may hear direct voice of. [149] Lack of consciousness of contact does not disprove. [150] Little can be done when men shut off appeal of. [151] No intermediaries with human subjects. [152] Prayer attains contact with. [153] Sometimes possible to hear divine voice within. [154] Soul capable of experiencing presence of. [155] Superconscious is zone of immediate contact. [156] Survivors discern Adjusters mind-to-mind on mansion worlds. [157] Thought Adjusters have no special mechanism for self-expression. [158] Thought Adjusters rejoice to make contact with mortal mind. [159] When intellectual development proceeds faster than spiritual, communication dangerous. [160]
Mystery of divine indwelling. [161]
Absolute foundations upon which finaliter nature can be. Evolved. [162] Actual fragment of highest and eternal reality, the original. Father. [163] Actuality of Father’s love incarnate in souls of men. [164] Adjusters are one with, of us, as finaliters. [165] Always subservient to human will. [166] Are of God, from God, and are God. [167] Are to humans what Trinity is to Supreme Being. [168] Are uniform in nature and divinity; function interchangeably. [169] Can plan, work, and love. [170] Carry valid proof of their existence. [171] Constitute a reservation by Father for direct and unlimited action and communication. [172] Cosmic windows by which we faith-glimpse Father. [173] Divine pledge of future full spiritual stabilization. [174] Do all their work upon intellectual foundation. [175] Do not require energy intake – they are energy. [176] Enjoy equivalent of human thinking, prepersonal will. [177] Entirely outside mind circuits of Infinite Spirit. [178] Essence of man’s eternal nature. [179] Evil spirits are servile before. [180] Exude flavor of divinity. [181] Factors of pure energy are present. [182] Fragmentations of Father on prepersonal absolute level prior to energy-spirit divergence. [183] Free gifts by Father. [184] Greatest evidence of love of God. [185] Have affection for mortals. [186] Have solitary and exclusive function; comparatively isolated. [187] Heavenly helpers, tireless toilers. [188] Image of God in man. [189] In perfect synchrony with all spirit ministries. [190] Indestructible regardless of mortal survival. [191] Lonely for our companionship. [192] Man is Thought Adjusters’s personality possibility. [193] More experienced Adjusters indwell higher minds. [194] Mortals’ path to Paradise. [195] Mortals’ power, privilege, possibility of survival. [196] No limit to numbers of Thought Adjusters. [197] Nonpersonalized Adjusters visible only to Personalized Adjusters. [198] Nonprogressive attitudes cannot last long because of presence of. [199] Nonsurvival of mortal wards never due to neglect of. [200] Not identifiable apart from mortal after spirit level. [201] Numbers stricken from records after fusion. [202] Perfect guides. [203] Pledge of eternal life for seeking souls. [204] Predictions of man’s future universe attainments. [205] Realest and deepest thing in human minds. [206] Respond to spiritual appeal of gospel. [207] Secret of Divinington. [208] Seek for divine unification; will return to Father. [209] Standard of personality survival. [210] Thought Adjusters’s prepersonal will attains personality expression through our decisions. [211] Tormented by sordid and selfish thoughts. [212] Training of tremendous scope. [213] Travel over instantaneous gravity circuits. [214] Unlimited ability to communicate with each other. [215] Will always be revealing wonder of God. [216] Will of God abroad in universes. [217] Without form until after fusion. [218]
No communication with attending seraphim. [219] Not examined when subjects fail to survive. [220] Organization and administration. [221] Origin. [222] Pass into realization of identity transition before rejoining resurrected subjects. [223] Proceed to Father upon death of subject. [224] Serve on Divinington after subjects’ deaths until resurrection. [225] Solitary Messengers and Inspired Trinity Spirits can detect presence of. [226] Spiritual beings must humanize to receive. [227]
Adjusters of Caligastia 100 were detached. [243]
Adjusters gain experience on loan planets. [244] Loaned for subjects’ temporal lifetimes. [245]
Can leave human body at will. [246] Communicate with fellows in other realms. [247] Fewer mortals function safely with. [248] Have marked degree of will in all matters not involving subjects’ personalities. [249] Have served in time of crisis. [250] In quarantine, interplanetary communication can be had by liaison of. [251] Progress to self-acting status independent of subject’s co-operation. [252] Reservists have self-acting Thought Adjusters. [253] Subjects achieved 3rd psychic circle; made supreme decision; are reservists. [254]
See also: UB 107; UB 108; UB 109; UB 110; UB 111; UB 112; UB 108:1-2; UB 107:1.3; UB 107:2; UB 109:2.