Lanonandek Sons assist Planetary Princes in their autocratic rule over evolutionary planets. [1] Lanonandek Sons are best known as System Sovereigns and Planetary Princes in the universe. [2] Lanonandek Sons are brought into being by a Creator Son and Mother Spirit. [3] Lanonandek Sons do not progress between groups or engage in reproduction, serving continuously in their assigned ranks. [4]
The Lanonandek Sons in charge of 3rd Salvington circuit are experienced administrators of the ascending pilgrims and seraphic hosts, overseeing the co-ordination of administrative pronouncements within the Lanonandek cluster. [5] Lanonandek Sons embody unique qualities in personality registers. [6] Lanonandek Sons are the most versatile local universe administrators, excelling in executive ability only second to Gabriel and his associates. [7]
Nebadon's Lanonandek Sons have caused administrative trouble due to their large degree of personal liberty, but in the end, their loyalty and volitional service will outweigh the challenges faced in earlier ages. [8]
On constellation headquarters, reserves of Lanonandek Sons are selected by the supreme council to fill vacancies left by recalled System Sovereigns or assistants. [9] The Lanonandek Sons find residence in Jerusem circles, where System Sovereigns, Planetary Princes, and system reserves come together as one. [10]
The stationary number of 12 million Lanonandek Sons in Nebadon remain fixed in their assigned ranks after being divided into three classes through final tests in the Melchizedek sphere. [11] Lanonandek Sons were trained by Melchizedeks at the Melchizedek University before their subsequent service. [12]
Lanonandek Sons are at greater risk of going astray, yet they remain noble, faithful, and versatile administrators in the universe. [13] Over 700 Lanonandek Sons have rebelled against the universe government, causing confusion in several systems and on numerous planets. [14] The System Sovereign, a Lanonandek Son, in Nebadon rebelled 3 times. [15]
The rehabilitation of defaulted Lanonandek Sons ensures their continued service in custodial and administrative roles, barring them from their former positions. [16]
The Lanonandek Son who succeeded the rebel System Sovereign in system 11 of constellation 37 was none other than Michael, Universe Ruler. [17] There are 709,841 Lanonandek Sons designated as System Sovereigns in the universe. [18] See links about: Hanavard; Lanaforge; Lucifer; Lutentia; Satan.
There are 10,234,601 Secondary Lanonandek Sons assigned as Planetary Princes and to the reserves of that order. [19] Planetary Princes are specialized secondary Lanonandek Sons commissioned to rule evolving inhabited worlds. [20] Two Lanonandek Sons of the Reserve Corps wrote Papers 50 and 51. [21] See links about: Caligastia; Daligastia; Fortant.
There are 1,055,558 Tertiary Lanonandek Sons who serve as assistants, messengers, custodians, commissioners, observers, and carry out various duties in a system. [22]
The universe of Nebadon began with twelve million Lanonandek Sons, subordinate assistants divided into three classes after passing through the Melchizedek sphere. [23] See links about: Holdant; Mansurotia; Sadib; Vilton.
See also: UB 35:8-9.