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Assist Planetary Princes. [1] Best known as System Sovereigns, Planetary Princes. [2] Created by Creator Son and Mother Spirit. [3] Do not progress from one type to another. [4] In charge of 3rd Salvington circuit. [5] In personality registers. [6] Most versatile local universe administrators. [7] Nebadon’s Lanonandek Sons have large degree of personal liberty. [8]
Danger of going astray. [9] Over 700 have rebelled. [10] Rebelled 3 times in Nebadon. [11] Rehabilitation of defaulted Lanonandek Sons. [12]
Reserves on constellation headquarters. [13] Residence in Jerusem circles. [14] Stationary number of 12 million in Nebadon. [15] Trained by Melchizedeks. [16]
Bestowal of Michael as a primary Lanonandek Sons. [17] System Sovereigns; number 709,841. [18]
Secondary. Number 10,234,601. [19] Planetary Princes are. [20] Wrote Papers 50, 51. [21]
Number 1,055,558. [22] Subordinate assistants. [23]
See also: UB 35:8-9.