Ahab was king of Ephraim. [1] Canaanite city of Gibeon had peace treaty with Ephraim. [2]
The Israelitish consciousness took origin in the hill country of Ephraim; the later Jewish consciousness originated in the southern clan of Judah. But the northern kingdom did not vanish from history until the king of Israel conspired with the king of Egypt and refused to pay further tribute to Assyria. Then began the three years’ siege followed by the total dispersion of the northern kingdom. Ephraim, that is Israel, thus vanished. [3] The Jews (Judahites) always sought to defame and blacken the record of the northern Israelites (Ephraimites). [4] Oppressed elders of Ephraim anointed David king of Israel. [5]
See also: UB 143:0.1; UB 162:9.6.