On the true beginning of the universe, see also the subject of creation.
The true beginning of history begins with the creation of Havona. This is the traditional starting point of the history of the universe of universes. Absolutely nothing is known, and there are no records, concerning any event or activity prior to this prodigious eruption of creative energy and administrative wisdom which crystallized with the formation of Havona. [1]
The Urantia Book gives a new overview of the entire history of Urantia which in many points departs from the findings of present historical science. [2] History is nothing more than the narrative of man's millennia-long struggle for food. Primitive man thought only when he was hungry. [3] The facts revealed in the Urantia Papers are accurate. [4]
The devastating pressure and inevitable coercion of secular history so terrified the captive and alien-ruled Jews that they attempted to completely rewrite and recast their history. All modern religions have made a grave mistake when they have attempted to give a miraculous interpretation to certain epochs of human history. The authors of the New Testament and later Christian writers further complicated the distortion of Hebrew history. [5] The Jews regarded history as the providence of God—Yahweh at work. [6]
History brings the evaluation of the past to bear on the present. [7] History alone fails to adequately reveal future development—destiny. Finite origins are useful, but only divine causes reveal ultimate effects. [8] The mind of man needs a starting point in order to envision universe history. [9]
The primary midwayers are the planetary historians who, from the time of the arrival of the Planetary Prince down to the epoch of the establishment of light and life, construct the shows and design the descriptions of planetary history for the exhibitions of the planets on the system headquarters worlds. [10]
Administrative actors—those who depict the significance of governmental philosophy and administrative technique—are the celestial dramatists of sovereignty. [11]
The recorders of all the seraphic orders devote a certain amount of time to the education and training of morontia progressors. These angelic guardians of history are the ideal instructors of all fact-seekers. Before we leave Jerusem we shall be thoroughly familiar with the history of Satania and its 619 inhabited worlds, and a large part of this history will be imparted by the seraphic recorders. [12]
The Vorondadek Sons have become the historians of the local universes; they are personally familiar with all the political struggles and all the social upheavals of the inhabited worlds. [13]