In 15,000 B.C. a blended coloured race, about this time greatly reinforced by arrivals from Mesopotamia, held forth in Egypt and prepared to take over the disappearing culture of the Euphrates valley. [1]
For about 35,000 years after the days of Adam, the cradle of civilization was in southwestern Asia, extending from Egypt eastward and slightly to the north across northern Arabia, through Mesopotamia, and on into Turkestan. [2] The original caste system of India was based on color, as was that of early Egypt. [3]
From Egypt through Mesopotamia and Turkestan to the rivers of China and India, the more highly civilized tribes began to assemble in cities devoted to manufacture and trade. [4]
From Egypt to the Hindu Kush and from the Ganges to the Yellow River, the chief business of the superior tribes became the cultivation of the soil, with commerce as a side line. [5] The culture of Egypt, though really derived from the Euphrates region, seemed to forge ahead, due to the continuing stream of Andite immigrants. [6]
The ingress of large numbers of the Sahara peoples greatly deteriorated the early civilization along the Nile so that Egypt reached its lowest cultural level some 15,000 years ago. [7]
The first and most exquisite of the stone pyramids was erected by Imhotep, an Andite architectural genius, while serving as prime minister. [8] When the Egyptians undertook to reform the calendar, about 7,000 years ago, they did it with great accuracy, introducing the year of 365 days. [9]
Egypt had a notable influence on Judaism. It must be remembered that the Jews failed to evolve an adequate nontheologic philosophy of life. They struggled with their original and Egyptian concept of divine rewards for righteousness coupled with dire punishments for sin. [10]
Superior Nodites, Adamites, and Andites arrived from Euphrates valley to Egypt. [11] Andites. 10% of the last waves of Andites that came en masse from Mesopotamia between 8,000 and 6,000 B.C. they went to egypt. [12] Arabian Bedouin Semites entered as laborers and ended enslaved. [13]
The more mixed indigo tribes that inhabited the center of the Saharan plateau headed for Egypt and Palestine. Then Egypt was invaded by inferior tribes from inhospitable Arabia and by blacks from the south. [14]
And so it appears that Egypt was first dominated by the orange man, then by the green, followed by the indigo (black) man, and still later by a mongrel race of indigo, blue, and modified green men. But long before Adam arrived, the blue men of Europe and the mixed races of Arabia had driven the indigo race out of Egypt and far south on the African continent. [15]
The last great struggle between the orange and the green men occurred in the region of the lower Nile valley in Egypt. [16] The fall of Assyria and the ascendancy of Egypt brought deliverance to Judah for a time. [17] Egypt put Judah under tribute. [18] Israel conspired with Egypt to refuse Assyria tribute. [19] Rome pitted Seleucid Syria against Ptolemaic Egypt and for it necessitated fostering Palestine as a separate and independent state. [20]
Egypt was intellectual and moral but not overly spiritual. [21]
In Egypt the most popular cults were that of Osiris and his mother Isis. These Egyptian mysteries taught that the divine son Osiris had experienced death and had been resurrected by divine power. The rituals of the worship of Isis and Osiris were more refined and impressive than those of the Phrygian cult. [22]
Despite the Andite inheritance very much of the social and ethical idealism of the Egyptians arose in the valley of the Nile as a purely evolutionary development. Thousands of years before the Salem gospel penetrated to Egypt, its moral leaders taught justice, fairness, and the avoidance of avarice. [23]
The Egyptians once believed that soul and body remained together. Among the Egyptians this led to careful tomb construction and efforts at body preservation. [24] Egyptians developed an extensive theology and had an equally extensive but burdensome priesthood. [25]
They believed that each favored individual had bestowed upon him at birth, or soon thereafter, a protecting spirit which they called the ka. The concept of ba symbolized the soul. [26] The Egyptian taboo on pork has been perpetuated by the Hebraic and Islamic faiths. [27] The original Melchizedek teachings really took their deepest root in Egypt, from where they subsequently spread to Europe. [28] Great Egyptians prophets were Amenemope, Okhban, Ikhnaton, and Moses. [29] Egyptians had triad gods, but these were still not true trinities. [30]
Egyptians mentioned in The Urantia Book:
The baby Jesus was taken to Egypt, to Alexandria, where he stayed for two years. [31]
Certain Egyptian ruler sacrificed 113,433 slaves, 493,386 head of cattle, 88 boats, 2,756 golden images, 331,702 jars of honey and oil, 228,380 jars of wine, 680,714 geese, 6,744,428 loaves of bread, and 5,740,352 sacks of corn. And in order to do this he must needs have sorely taxed his toiling subjects. [32]