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Judaism apocalyptists taught sufferings due to nation’s sins. [1]
Chosen people. Deep-seated prejudice against all images. [2] Family devotion and natural affection far transcended that of gentiles. [3] God was Father of race, not individual. [4] Had God but no saving philosophy. [5] History of ill-feeling with Samaritans. [6] Judeans less willing to believe gospel. [7] Lacked humor. [8] Looked upon all others as gentile dogs. [9] Loved justice, wisdom, truth, and righteousness. [10] Majority refused to receive Jesus. [11] Never lost concept of Father. [12] Nurtured on miracles. [13] Objected to public nakedness. [14] Opposed taking census. [15] Resented emperor worship. [16] Saw God in everything that happened. [17] Settled concept of their history and destiny. [18] Spiritually stagnant; crystallized truth into a creed. [19] Took their religion too seriously; failed to evolve nontheologic philosophy of life. [20] Unwilling to share Yahweh with gentiles. [21] Vibrant with expectation of a misconceived Messiah. [22] Watchword was authority. [23] Willing to die for their religion. [24] Worshiped letter of the law; self-righteous false pride of descent. [25]
Christian prejudice against Jews inexcusable. [26] Clamored to be fed, for miracles, that Jesus become king. [27] Contrasted with Greeks and Romans. [28] Creator Sons incarnate in group with greatest Adamic inheritance. [29]
Annual income of 1 man bought bread for 5000. [30] Children’s play life circumscribed. [31] Custom of son’s ring. [32] Dead embalmed; buried on day of demise. [33] Education compulsory. [34] In bondage to priest-ridden code of laws, sacrifices, rituals. [35] Inheritance laws. [36] Ordinarily provided safeguards of fairness in trials. [37] Owned slaves. [38] Restraint on women’s approach to strange men. [39]
Did not fulfill destiny as people with spiritual mission. [40] Eminently fitted to spread new religion. [41] Famed for military valor, theologic peculiarities. [42] Found God as no other whole race of men. [43] Gabriel chose Jews as race for Michael’s incarnation. [44] Gentiles morally inferior to. [45] Hebrews from southern kingdom of Judah known as Jews. [46] History disastrously exploited by Jewish and Christian writers. [47] In 200 synagogues throughout Roman world. [48] Jesus was not the Messiah anticipated by. [49] Jesus the last to afford real national leadership. [50] Kingdom of heaven taken from. [51] Not a miraculous people. [52]
Enjoyed considerable self-government. [53] Most influential Semitic people. [54] Nation left in accordance with purely human status. [55] National history began with Abraham. [56] National survival due to Roman foreign policy. [57]
Sorrows of a misunderstood despised people. [58] Status of the individual Jew. [59]