Pastoral living afforded further relief from food slavery; man learned to live on the interest of his capital, the increase in his flocks; and this provided more leisure for culture and progress. [1] Economic freedom has been secured through capital and invention. [2]
Capital-accumulation and property-inheritance mores were a distinct social advance, but subsequently the misuse of capital has been accompanied by gross abuses. [3] Capital is labor applied as a renunciation of the present in favor of the future. [4] The accumulation of individual capital and group wealth immediately led to military organization. [5]
Though capital has tended to liberate man, it has greatly complicated his social and industrial organization. Through capital and invention the present generation enjoys a higher degree of freedom, but that dos not mean any justification of the many misuses of capital by thoughtless and selfish custodians. [6] The abuse of capital by unfair capitalists does not destroy the fact that it is the basis of modern industrial society. [7] The basic urges which led to the accumulation of capital were: [8]