Upon arrival in Havona, beings are accorded a period of leisure for free observation and reconnection with friends and associates from their ascension experience. [1]
Accorded mansion world arrivals are granted ten days of personal liberty to explore, familiarize themselves, consult the registry, and visit loved ones before beginning their training on the training spheres. [2] Angels promote profitable utilization of human leisure by fostering play, humor, and rest. [3] Civilization can never flourish until man has leisure to think, plan, and imagine new ways of doing things. [4]
Our early ancestors had little or no leisure to think about society and civilization, unlike us living today in a time of budding culture and social progress. [5] Language did not function until social groups had acquired leisure, enabling the evolution of dialects and the development of slang into language. [6] The ideal state encourages profitable and uplifting utilization of leisure, requiring that it must produce as well as consume. [7]
Religion's influence on society, through the leisure of priests promoting art and knowledge, has been crucial in driving humanity towards intellectual progress and wisdom. [8] Pastoral living allowed for freedom from constant food gathering, leading to increased leisure for cultural and intellectual pursuits. [9] Leisure is seldom taken advantage of in the tropics, where civilizations tend to prioritize survival over advancement. [10]
Unearned leisure, often perceived as good luck, may actually be the greatest human affliction due to its potential to hinder personal growth and character development. [11]