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10 methods of amassing. [1] Faithfulness will not insure rewards of. [2] Flows in well-organized channels; wise planning essential for. [3] Psychic circle attainment augments potential for material prosperity. [4] Results from labor, knowledge, and organization. [5]
Harms majority of its devotees. [6] Love of wealth incompatible with spiritual loyalties. [7] Spiritual stigma when derived from oppression; restore unfair wealth to rightful owners. [8] Undeserved wealth may be greatest human affliction. [9]
Divinely watered souls are independent of material environment. [10] Do not dictate how rich men shall regard their wealth. [11]
Amenemope taught wealth was gift of God. [12] Ancients bargained with gods to obtain prosperity. [13] Belief only the rich survived death with dignity. [14] Slaves commonly sacrificed to show disdain for wealth. [15] Disgust for unearned wealth in continental nation. [16] Early badge of social distinction. [17] Gave no Egyptian legal advantage under Ikhnaton. [18] Kings often confiscated goods of wealthy men. [19] Lack of wealth did not imply social inferiority in Nazareth. [20] Many primitive rich men distributed wealth from fear of assassination. [21] Moses taught righteousness rewarded by prosperity. [22] Prosperity believed provocative of envy of evil spirits. [23] Prosperity was reward of serving El Shaddai. [24] Wealth betokened divine approval for Jews. [25]
Decided against compromise with influence of riches. [26] Did not preach against wealth, rather its unfair distribution. [27] Discussions about. [28]
Leaving wealth for sake of kingdom. [29] Parable of Lazarus and Dives. [30]
3 questions asked of the rich. [31] In continental nation. [32] Jesus condemned the wealthy because they were usually wanton and irreligious. [33] Jesus’ counsel to Matadormus. [34] Jesus’ counsel to rich man. [35] Wealthy should administer wealth as trustee for succeeding generations. [36] Wealthy should feed the poor. [37] Wealthy should not look on all they control as private possession. [38]
Does not indicate God’s favor. [39] Is unenduring. [40] No sin to possess honorable wealth, but love of wealth diverts affections. [41] Wealth is of no consequence if it does not invade soul. [42]