The ascendant life finds balance in an equal division between work and play, embracing joyful mirth and spiritual laughter as universal expressions. [1] The early division of labor among Andonites greatly advanced civilization, leading to the coordination of specialists in society. [2]
The ideal society compels all able-bodied persons to engage in compulsory employment to eliminate idleness and poverty, promoting self-sustainability and productivity. [3] Compulsory labor in this continental nation is both honorable and mandatory for all able-bodied citizens over eighteen. [4]
The industrial courts in the continental nation are functioning satisfactorily, recognizing legal compensation divided into rates of interest on capital, skill salary, and fair wages for labor, with any excess earnings distributed among all three divisions. [5] Devise techniques for locating suitable employment to ensure effective co-ordination of specialists in an expanding and diversifying society. [6]
Labor, the efforts of design, distinguishes man from the beast and is man's paramount blessing; the Hebrews were the first to put a premium on industry. [7] Elevate the drudgery of daily toil to the high levels of a fine art, ministering as for God in all earthly labor. [8] “He who does not work shall not eat” is a paramount blessing that distinguishes man from the beast. [9] Labor, the Hebrews were first to put premium on, distinguishes man from the beast and is man's paramount blessing. [10]
Idleness is destructive of self-respect; therefore, take care not to wound the self-respect of timid and fearful souls by indulging in sarcasm or cynicism towards them. [11] Jesus was painstaking about the essentials of any undertaking, taking great satisfaction in completing commendable handiwork at the boatshop. [12]
Jesus, very regular in his working hours, had arranged to advise his brothers on baptism the following day after close communion with the Father in heaven. [13] Labor is ennobling, but the threat of standardized industrial slavery leads to personality stagnation. [14]
Labor, man's paramount blessing, distinguishes him from instinctive beasts, and ennoble physical labor, and Creator God ordained work as a sacred duty. [15]
In spiritual worlds, all service is sacred and exhilarating; there is no such thing as menial labor, as even the servitals are not considered servants in a menial sense. [16] The work of your status sphere is of utmost importance; self-importance exhausts, not the effort to achieve. [17]
Primitive man initially disliked labor but recognized the advantages of organization and specialization, leading to the division of labor and the pursuit of less resistance for efficiency. [18] Be compassionate and proactive in helping others find meaningful work, without causing harm to their self-esteem or fear. [19] Labor should alternate with leisure, just as worship should be balanced by service and religion by humor. [20]
The specialization of labor, driven by adapting to pressure and pursuing paths of lessened resistance, brought immediate savings of time and materials. [21] Specialization of labor on morontia worlds enhances vocational enhancement and mutual ministry among evolving spirits. [22] Ancient man did not have the modern notion of working within a time limit, only hurrying in the face of danger. [23] Ganid shared a Hebrew proverb with his disgruntled fellow countryman in Antioch, encouraging him to approach his work “with all one's might.”. [24]
The work of your status sphere, in this world or the next, takes precedence over self-importance, as exhausting the self diminishes energy for important tasks. [25] The way you do the work is more important than the work itself in the chain of mortal life across universes. [26]