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Ascendant life equally divided between work and play. [1] Civilization enormously advanced by early division of l.; Andonites employed. [2] Compel all able-bodied persons to engage in. [3] Compulsory in continental nation. [4] Courts determine wages in continental nation. [5] Devise technique for locating suitable employment. [6] Efforts of design distinguish man from beast. [7] Elevate drudgery by working as for God. [8] He who does not work shall not eat. [9] Hebrews were first to put premium on. [10] Idleness destructive of self-respect. [11] Jesus painstaking about essentials of any undertaking. [12] Jesus very regular about his working hours. [13] Labor is ennobling. [14] Necessity for labor is man’s paramount blessing. [15] No such thing as menial labor in spiritual worlds. [16] Nothing takes precedence over work of status sphere. [17] Primitives disliked l.; never worked cheerfully or willingly. [18] Put forth every effort to secure work for those without. [19] Should alternate with play. [20] Specialization of labor brought about immediate savings of time and materials. [21] Specialization of labor on morontia worlds. [22] Time element in labor is modern notion. [23] With all one’s might. [24] Work is important, self is not. [25] Work is less important than the way it is done. [26]