This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Ancient man was helpless victim of. [1] Crystallized by belief the dead would punish those who disdain rules by which they had lived. [2] Dependent on land-man ratio. [3] Grew out of effort to avoid pain and humiliation while seeking pleasure and power. [4] Have ample power to restrain sex urge. [5] Helped man subordinate present to future. [6] Human institutions are merely accumulated mores. [7] Laws in the making. [8] Mores change, but instinct never. [9] Mistake for evangelists to attempt to reform. [10] Origin of mores always unconscious and unintentional. [11] Prince’s staff did not impose mores upon tribes. [12] Safety brake against too rapid advancement. [13]
See also: UB 68:4.