This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Characterized by increasing freedom. [1] Demands development of individuality. [2] Effected by revelational evolution. [3] Evolutionary capacity of universe is inexhaustible. [4]
Cold, hunger stimulate invention, resourcefulness. [5] Ethics is seed and secret of. [6] God-consciousness indispensable to. [7] Incessant activity; effort. [8] Knowledge and wisdom. [9] Proper conduct essential to. [10]
Great social or economic change should not be attempted suddenly. [11] Important thing is not the rapidity, but certainty of progress. [12] Intolerance everlastingly inimical to. [13] Made possible by inherent motion. [14] Man should work to better his earthly estate. [15] Material inertia retards dangerous velocities of. [16] Mechanical dominance insures stability at expense of. [17] Must go forward from where you find yourself. [18] Occurs slowly by gradual stages. [19] Of part and whole. [20] Of planet depends on age, biologic uplifters, and missions of divine Sons. [21] Progress by evolution, not revolution. [22] Progressing person leaves trail of actualized reality. [23] Religion lifts civilization from chaos. [24] Slow before discovery of printing. [25] Static conditions indicate decay. [26] Valueless without growth. [27] Watchword of universe. [28]