Civilized man's institutions are the accumulated mores of the past conserved by taboos and dignified by religion. [1]
Man should control his institutions, as all human institutions minister to some social need, but their overdevelopment detracts from individual worth-whileness by overshadowing personality and diminishing initiative. [2]
The basic types of institutions include those of self-maintenance, self-perpetuation, and self-gratification, each encompassing different aspects of human society and behavior. [3] Through institutions, man secured civil freedom. [4]
Man should control institutions, not be controlled by them, as they should serve social needs without overshadowing individual worth or stifling initiative. [5] Institutions arise from social groups and aim to save labor while enhancing group security. [6] Man should control institutions to ensure they minister to social needs without overshadowing individuals or diminishing initiative. [7]
Man transcends his animal ancestors emotionally through appreciation of humor, art, and religion; socially, he exhibits superiority as a toolmaker, communicator, and primitive institution builder. [8]