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Always respect. [1] And reality. [2] Anthropomorphic Yahweh of greater religious value than remote Absolute. [3] Ascenders never lose power to recognize former associates. [4] Association yields square of personalities involved. [5] Betrayal and disloyalty to confiding friends most destructive of personality status. [6]
14 things known about personality. [7] Adjuster is nucleus of. [8] Adjusters augment qualitative manifestation of. [9] Always contactable. [10] Associated in minds with memory, reason, judgment, imagination, idea association, decision. [11] Can be added to spirit. [12] Can commit cosmic suicide. [13] Can dedicate will to doing will of God. [14] Cannot perform well in isolation. [15] Confers dignity of cosmic citizenship. [16] Conscious of time. [17] Consciousness of sonship stimulates inherent powers of. [18] Cosmic socialization is highest unification of. [19] Creature’s liberation from time-space handicaps ordinarily diminishes prerogatives of. [20] Development predicated upon faith. [21] Discriminates between ends as well as means. [22] Each personality is an irreplaceable meaning-value. [23] Enables creature to react to cosmic mind. [24] Eternal. [25] Evolution of dominance. [26] Existence antecedent to Adjusters. [27] Functions from lowly finite to highest absonite. [28] Great worth of. [29] Identifies man as spiritual being. [30] Identity, self-consciousness, self-will, possibility for self-revelation, love, fellowship with other personalities. [31] Identity survives in survival of soul. [32] Inalienable recognition of duty, scientific curiosity, and spiritual insight. [33] Inherently creative. [34] Inherently reaches out to unify all constituent realities. [35] Iniquity deprives personality of continuing life vehicle. [36] Is transmissible. [37] Kinship of divine spontaneity. [38] Largely liberated from antecedent causation. [39] Level of deified reality. [40] Majority of personalities have form, individuality. [41] Manifestation conditioned by energies associated with life vehicle. [42] Material body not indispensable to. [43] May be bestowed upon any living energy system of mind or spirit. [44] Morality. [45] Mutual recognition is independent of memory. [46] Never again finds identical expression except in continuing existence of that living personality. [47] Never spontaneous. [48] No limitation to evolution of. [49] No personalities of pure mind exist. [50] Nonaddable; associable but nontotalable. [51] Not a progressive achievement. [52] Not fully predictable. [53] Not necessarily a concomitant of mind. [54] Pattern of identity, not manifestation of energy. [55] Planes of performance; finite dimensions of. [56] Possesses insight in advance of experience. [57] Possesses power of transferring seat of identity from material intellect to soul. [58] Prerogatives of self-determination, self-evolution, and selfidentification with Deity. [59] Reality of personality is proportional to divinity relationships. [60] Realization of fraternal relationship with others. [61] Relative creative consciousness and freewill control thereof. [62] Responds directly to other personalities. [63] Responds to personality circuit. [64] Retains identity, is recognizable, in face of unlimited change. [65] Seeks other personality association. [66] Self-consciousness. [67] Spirit strives for mastery of energy-matter through mediation of mind in. [68] Spiritual dominant over material in. [69] Spontaneity of freewill action in. [70] Stagnation terminates in death. [71] Transcends material sequence of events. [72] Unifies experience with matter, mind, and spirit. [73] Unifies identity of any living energy system. [74] Unique. [75] Unresolved conflicts disrupt. [76]
Disagreement and misunderstanding evidence fact of. [77] Eternal Son is absolute of. [78] Father and Son bestowed conjoint personality upon Spirit. [79] Infinite Spirit can act for Father in bestowal of personality. [80] Little or no personality in animal contact. [81] Lucifer denied personality was gift of Father. [82] Mind endows consciousness in absence of. [83]
Awareness of personality dependent on other-awareness. [84] Between death and resurrection every identifiable factor in custody of archangels. [85] Everyone can develop strong and unified personality like Jesus’. [86] Exact whereabouts of personality between death and survival unknown. [87] Few mortals ever dare to draw personality credits available. [88] Lowest type. [89] More real as psychic circles achieved. [90] Patterns for all types in Havona. [91] Prayer, religion unifies. [92] Reassembly at resurrection. [93] Religionists exhibit stabilization of. [94] Stabilized by enforced associations of family life. [95] Survival of. [96] Survivors’ personality remains intact after initial mansion world. [97] True personality will emerge on mansion worlds. [98] Urantia type. [99] Will attain Deity destiny, but man must choose whether he will be present. [100]
Mystery. [101] Nonexistent if men were machines. [102] Not fully mobilized, realized, and unified until given clearance given for Edentia. [103]
Clearly taught at Salem. [104] Consists in spirit; manifests as love. [105] Grasped only by spiritual insight. [106] Impersonal and impotent Brahman left India helpless and prostrate. [107] Rodan convinced of. [108]
Of Jesus. [109] Of nonsurviving mortal becomes part of Supreme. [110]
Arrangement of energies plus life and motion. [111] Ascender-fused Adjuster self-creates. [112] Higher forms pass freely through ordinary matter. [113] Material forms reflect personalities to limited degree. [114] Mind is always competent to produce a serviceable form. [115] Morontial forms vary directly with nature of inner person. [116] Nearly all beings possessed of. [117] Physical repercussion of spirit-mind. [118]
Pre-fusion Thought Adjusters, personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit, Transcendental Recorders, Inspired Trinity Spirits, Gravity Messengers, and Solitary Messengers have no discoverable form. [119] Spirit forms approximate complete identification with inner person. [120] Spirit forms as real and discernible as morontia bodies. [121] Survivor’s initial morontia form sponsored by guardian seraphim and Morontia Power Supervisors. [122]
Personality gravity. Prepersonal entities. Privacy of personality respected by Creators. [123] Registers. [124] Relationships between personality are ends in themselves. [125] Revelation of God. [126] Rodan taught man develops personality through communication. [127]
Bestowed by Father as potentially eternal endowment. [128] Exclusively bestowed by Father or his agencies. [129] Father is center and circumference, origin and destiny. [130] First appearance in creatures. [131] Third Source personality in beings personal to Infinite Spirit but who are not in Father’s personality circuit. [132]
Spiritual value of. [133] Time-space image-shadow cast by Creator personality. [134] Unification of. [135] Uniting with Supreme, man does not submerge his. [136] Upon sincerity of mortal free will Adjuster depends for. [137] Van achieved highest personality realization. [138]
See also: UB 112; UB 1:6; UB 16:8; UB 9:8.12.