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All Urantia waiting for unencumbered religion of Jesus. [1] Approach others with recognition of common truths. [2] Balance by humor. [3] Ceremonies. Challenge is to construct new and appealing philosophy of living. [4] Charms. Civilization in danger when youth not interested in. [5]
Adjustment to the mysterious, and to paradoxes. [6] Awareness of insideness of human experience. [7] Believing and doing what gospel requires. [8] Confidence in reality. [9] Determination to find God and be like him. [10] Discovery of spiritual meanings to well-known facts. [11] Effort, conflict, faith, determination, love, loyalty, progress. [12] Eternal foundation and guiding star of enduring civilization. [13] Experience of knowing God; striving to be like him. [14] Experiencing of divinity. [15] Faith, hope, love, assurance, mercy. [16] Faith-child of moral consciousness. [17] Faith in supreme Deity, hope of eternal survival, and love of one’s fellows. [18] Faith in survival of supreme values. [19] Faith recognition of urge to divine attainment. [20] Faith-trust in goodness of God. [21] Father life predicated on truth, sensitive to beauty, dominated by goodness. [22] Hunger quest for divine reality and spiritual values. [23] Identification of self with universe. [24] Imperfectly preserved record of experiences of God-knowing men. [25] Impulse for organizing soul for service. [26] Insight into reality. [27] Knowing God as Father, yourself as son of God, and man as brother. [28] Living love, a life of service. [29] Love. [30] Loving God. [31] Loving neighbor as oneself. [32] Loyalty to highest dictates of spiritual consciousness. [33] Realization of an all-powerful love. [34] Salvation from self. [35] Self-conscious relation of soul with Creator. [36] Spiritual communion with spirit influences resident within human mind. [37] Spiritual unification of all that is good, beautiful, and true. [38] Subjectivity in response to total objectivity. [39] Trusting one’s present and future to God. [40] Unqualified dependence upon love of Father. [41] Wholehearted devotion to supreme values. [42] Wise spiritual reaction to universe. [43] Worship of God and service of man. [44]
Evolutionary religion.
500 definitions by theologians. [45] Acme of, marks of, religious living. [46] Activation is superemotional. [47] All teach worship of Deity, human salvation. [48] Always indefinable in terms of reason and logic. [49] Apparently religious traits can grow out of nonreligiousroots. [50] Birth of religion not sudden, rather gradually emerges. [51] Can be either good or evil. [52] Can never be understood from outside. [53] Cannot be bestowed, received, loaned, learned, or lost. [54] Cannot be isolated from life. [55] Certitude of religion springs from foundations of entire personality. [56] Chief agency of religion is prayer. [57] Compellingly authoritative when true, undefiled. [58] Conserves, exalts, and spiritualizes morals and values. [59] Declares divine source of values personally attainable. [60] Derives authority from fruits of its acceptance. [61] Discovery in mind, revelation by Adjuster. [62] Doctrine is most terrible tyrant which enslaves men. [63] Does not seek to escape this life. [64] Earmarks are certainty, consistency, love, service. [65] Encouraged by improving social morality and ethical culture. [66] Endowments of religion immediately available. [67] Factors indicating quality of religion. [68] Feeling regarding morals paramount, not theological thinking. [69] Founded on Adjuster assumption that faith is valid. [70] Ganid’s abstract of “our religion”. [71] Has reference to destiny and reality of attainment. [72] Implies spirit world responsive to human need. [73] Impulse originates in spirit presences activating will to be unselfish. [74] Is to morality as love is to duty. [75] Judge by its fruits, its inherent and divine excellence. [76] Leads to serving men, creates ethics and altruism. [77] Life insurance beyond the grave. [78] Lives and prospers by faith and insight, not sight and feelings. [79] May be genuine despite erroneous theology. [80] Men only superficially accept a new religion. [81] Mission is to stabilize ideals during dangerous times of transition. [82] Mortals crave to symbolize concepts of God. [83] Must act; no religion apart from a highly active personality. [84] Must grow around a cult. [85] Never a passive experience, a negative attitude. [86] No provision for spiritual self-examination in Jesus’ religion. [87] Normal and natural, but optional. [88] Not concerned with material things. [89] Not dependent on learning or clever logic. [90] Not invalidated because religionists have believed so much that was false. [91] Not the product of reason, but reasonable. [92] Often acts unwisely, but it acts. [93] Opposes violence. [94] Pays any price essential. [95] Persists despite revolutionary changes in beliefs. [96] Persists in absence of learning. [97] Philosophy and religion. Poised spirit of expression, without self-assertion or egoistic exaltation. [98] Positive nature of Jesus’ religion. [99] Powerless apart from normal heredity. [100] Qualitative experience. [101] Religion of Jesus versus religion about Jesus. [102] Rests wholly on faith and the confirmation of conscience. [103] Revelation, embrace of supernatural values, divine destiny. [104] Self-forgetful, not self-sacrificial. [105] Should stand in contrast with temporal world. [106] Spiritual status determined by nature of its prayers. [107] Supremacy of religion. [108] Survives because it conserves followers’ highest values. [109] True religion. [110] Truth and maturity of religion proportional to concepts of personality and unity of God. [111] Truth is intellectual foundation of. [112] Validated by personal experience. [113] What religion is not. [114] Without God is an invention of man; an absurdity. [115] Without God is devoid of survival values. [116]
7 major epochs of post-Adamic Urantia. [117] Apostles of John and Jesus attempted socialization of. [118] Composite religions. [119] Desire to make converts was early cause of war. [120] Disappearance of religious standards caused Greek Andite decay. [121] Evolution of philosophy of religion. [122] Fetishes. Ganid’s abstract of major religions. [123]
Jesus was the only founder of a religion who performed supermaterial acts. [124] Many exerted their influence because of previous experience of Adjusters. [125] Many virtually unlettered. [126]
Personality fulcrums on which levers of revealed truth depended. [158]
Has suffered from many secondary influences. [159] In times of Jesus. [160] Long, dark ages between Caligastia rebellion and Adam. [161] Men venerate leaders of religion at expense of teachings. [162] Of 20th century Urantia. [163] Teachings of Prince’s staff. [164] Training was duty of parents in Garden of Eden. [165] Wholly evolutionary until arrival of Planetary Prince. [166]
Adherents believe they have final infallible Truth. [167] Adherents frightened by every new discovery. [168] Barren. [169] Based on false security of authority. [170] Based on fear, emotion, tradition, and philosophy. [171] Blunder to miraculously interpret certain epochs of history. [172] Cannot reconstruct society without first reconstructing itself. [173] Cardinal ideas. [174] Concerned with ethics and morals, sense of duty. [175] Cup of remembrance is emblem of emergence from bondage of. [176] Dangers. Does not provide for its progressive correction. [177] Good to extent it brings man to God and God to man. [178] Gradually loses saving message. [179] Intellectual theology of established religious authority. [180] Jesus avoided establishment of. [181] Lags behind slowly changing mores. [182] Most rigid human institution. [183] Perpetuates established order of society. [184] Practices. [185] Present-day forms are ritualization of ancient positive propitiation. [186] Price for adherence is loss of spiritual freedom. [187] Requires uniformity of belief. [188] Revelation recognizes duty demands of. [189] Sacraments of. Science purifies religion by destroying superstition. [190] Spiritually indolent souls crave ancient and authoritative religion. [191] Status best judged by moral and ethical standards. [192] Symbols of socialized religion are not to be despised as. Channels of growth. [193] Usually detracts from spiritual quality. [194] Various religions can never come to unification. [195] Weakness of institutional religion. [196] Women degraded under several Oriental religions. [197] Worship customs are confused and discredited. [198]
Intellectual deficiency handicaps higher attainment; intellectual overdevelopment sometimes embarrassing. [199] Leaders receive their rewards in another world. [200] Little chance to function until religious group becomes separated from all other groups. [201] Modern men fear what religion of Jesus will do to them and with them. [202] Morality always antecedent to. [203] Morontia religion relates to experience of survival; firmer grasp of mota. [204] Most dynamic influence ever. [205] Needed now as never before. [206] Needs new leaders who will depend solely on Jesus. [207] No new duties to perform. [208] Often decisive factor in cultural development. [209] Overstressed and isolated morality of modern religion. [210]
Achievements of self-control were real progress. [211] Basic belief was survival after death. [212] Craves extinction in endless slumber and rest. [213] Erroneous in concept; utterly illogical. [214] Father honors superstitions of primitive men. [215]
Conceived in likeness of man. [216] Inflict displeasure by famine and flood. [217] Self-deceptive idols; wishful fancy. [218]
Highest level is exalted anthropomorphism. [219] Influence of tribal spirit of solidarity. [220]
Arises as biologic reaction of mind. [221] Belief environment responsive to ghost whims. [222] Belief man in debt to spirits. [223] Born of all-powerful fear of unknown, ignorance, superstition, awe, and dread; feeling of helplessness before onslaught of natural forces. [224] Primitive religion created its God conceptions out of the highest recognized values. [225] Fairy tale of conscience. [226] Faith, discrimination of values, and sense of duty are ancestry of. [227] Fear led to attempts to placate invisible forces. [228] Fostered by shock of death. [229] Insurance against perils of forest; bad luck; misfortune. [230] Man created primitive religion out of his fears and by means of his illusions. [231] Mind derivative; concerned with ethics, morals, duty. [232] Outworking of adjutant mind-spirits. [233] Predicated on associational circumstances. [234] Search for supernatural explanation for all phenomena. [235] Slowly grew from innate worship urge and misconception of chance. [236]
Largely technique for disease prevention. [237] Long waste upon tombs, temples, sacrifices, and priesthoods was worth all it cost. [238] Man’s most expensive but incomparably effective institution. [239] Many reverted to ideal of idleness. [240] Mother of science, art, and philosophy. [241] Preserved mores inviolate from generation to generation; novelty always sacrilege. [242] Primitives danced out their religion. [243] Primitives saved up property as nucleus for starting life in next existence. [244] Progress when man conceived of supermortal forces consistent in behavior. [245] Ruthlessly drove indolent suffering humanity forward. [246] Sentimental, not logical. [247] Subdues fiery tempers of primitive creatures. [248] Summary of evolutionary growth. [249] Teachers and leaders invested with legends of supernatural origins, careers, expected returns. [250] Tends to make God manlike. [251]
Purposes of group activities. [252] Relics. Religions, named. Religious experience, growth.
Believer cleansed from every evil thought and sinful deed. [253] Brings peace and progress. [254] Builds up in souls as eternal endowment. [255] Calls forth faith, trust, unity, peace, and assurance. [256] Certain consciousness of God, assurance of survival. [257] Cures man’s isolation, soul hunger, moral despair. [258] Dissolves, absorbs, illuminates, and transcends troubles. [259] Enables men to live together in complex civilization. [260] Enhances home life. [261] Ennobles commonplace drudgery. [262] Fellows receive highest good from believer’s contact with them. [263] Fosters sovereignty of truth, beauty, and goodness. [264] Grows in quest for final values. [265] Influences social reconstruction through spiritualizing the individual. [266] Inspires cosmic loyalty. [267] Joins patience with passion, insight to zeal, sympathy with power, ideals with energy. [268] Leads to union with righteousness. [269] Leads to value consciousness. [270] Leaves believer forever free to follow truth wherever it leads. [271] Only power which lastingly increases altruism. [272] Prepares man bravely to face vicissitudes of life. [273] Releases faith and courage for daily living. [274] Renders religionist socially fragrant. [275] Seeks to convert individual and transform world. [276] Seeks to win all, not be of any. [277] Should not destroy sense of humor. [278] Social fruits are love and service. [279] The more religion one has, the more certain one is. [280] Transforms the mediocre individual into a personality of. Idealistic power. [281] Yields happiness. [282]
Revelatory religion. Rituals. Science and religion. [283] Social reconstructionists show unrecognized religious motivation. [284] Taboos. Thawing out frozen forms of religion. [285] Traditions. Training at home in continental nation. [286]
3 distinct forms. [287] 3 modern contending philosophies of. [288] Either evolved or suddenly revealed. [289] Evolutionary religion, revelatory religion, philosophic religion, and admixtures. [290]
Abstract and dissociated concept of goodness. [291] Accumulation of vested interests. [292] Appeal to the miraculous. [293] Aristocratic chosen-people attitude. [294] Being a thing apart from human experience. [295] Commercialization. [296] Defense of outgrown systems. [297] Doctrinal finality. [298] Evil discrimination of religious castes. [299] Failure to make up-to-date interpretations. [300] False ideas of sacredness. [301] Fanaticism, exaggeration of ego. [302] Fixation of beliefs. [303] Formulating creeds and traditions in order to control believers. [304] Intolerance. Leaders becoming administrators instead of ministers. [305] Loveless zeal. [306] Negativity. [307] Neglecting science, art, spiritual experience. [308] Oppressive ecclesiastical authority. [309] Petrification of worship. [310] Purchasing social harmony by sacrifice of free personality. [311] Sectarianism. [312] Service of church rather than of God. [313] Standardization or formalization. [314] Superficial frothiness of religious egotist. [315] Superiority of group consciousness. [316] Tendency to form competitive divisions. [317] Tendency to standardize and fossilize truth. [318] Tendency to venerate the past over present. [319] Unholy secular alliances; established social or economic practices. [320]
Despite evils, error to destroy technique of group functioning. [321] Difficulties and persecutions attendant upon proclaiming gospel. [322] Discipline by constructive criticism, amplify by philosophy, purify by science, and nourish by loyal fellowship. [323] Ecclesiasticism incompatible with living faith. [324] Error in religion proportional to materialism. [325] False when it denies realities or confers assumed knowledge. [326] Feeling and emotion are not religion. [327] Form of expression must be continually restated. [328] Man invariably tries to institutionalize his religion. [329] Many isms have arisen from garbled Adjuster communications. [330] Must quicken its adaptation to ever-changing social order. [331] No peace when one religion presumes exclusive authority over others. [332] Often altogether too self-confident and dogmatic. [333] On trial before the bar of human need. [334] One is self-deceived if not a missionary evangel of one’s own. [335] Prevent egocentricity by exposing oneself to vast number of other religions. [336] Promoting smugness in the fortunate or stoical resignation in victims of social deprivation. [337] Rarely survives as private practice of isolated individuals. [338] Religion must have up-to-date slogans. [339] Religion of spirit in deadly conflict with institutional religion. [340] Safeguard by common sense. [341] Separate church and state. [342]
World needs more firsthand religion. [343]
See also: UB 99; UB 100; UB 101; UB 102; UB 103; UB 196; UB 5:4; UB 101:1; UB 94:4.10; UB 92:5; UB 121:6.4; UB 99; UB 85; UB 86; UB 87; UB 88; UB 89; UB 90; UB 91.