Primitive men have no capacity for humor due to their serious nature and lack of need for reversion activities. [1] The sense of humor was the legacy of the Adamic race, Andites, greatly influencing the present-day races with joy, play, and laughter. [2]
Humor is most hearty when it depicts one's supposed superiors falling victim. [3] Genuine religion exalts all true humor and imparts new values to play, illuminating human fellowship within religious groups. [4]
Humor serves as a vital safety valve, preventing overwhelming pressure from prolonged self-reflection amidst the challenges of personal growth and truth, offering insight and relief. [5] Humor reveals the absurdity of our concerns, offering relief from present anxieties through a focus on future certainties. [6] Humor helps us overlook present anxieties in favor of focusing on future certainties. [7] Humor is the divine antidote for our self-glorification, making us take ourselves less seriously. [8] Humor functions as an automatic safety valve to lessen the shock of unexpected facts or truths. [9]
Humor on Urantia serves as health insurance by preventing injurious nervous tension and as a liberator of emotional pressure, allowing for rejuvenation through relaxation and a backward glance. [10]
“Angels, of spirit nature, share in our nonsensuous emotions and sentiments, appreciating and greatly enjoying our real humor.”. [11] The beings of the Joy of Existence seek to improve humor taste and promote joy among angelic hosts and lower will creatures. [12] The Reversion Directors promote relaxation and humor through reversion to past memories, aiding in mortal progression in the local universe. [13] Celestial humor is rooted in our faith in God's loving overcare and the belief that all things work together for good. [14]
Even the higher spirits in the transition spheres engage in reminiscent humor while recharging spiritually in the enormous edifices used for recreation on the morontia worlds. [15]
Humor in the celestial realms never accentuates misfortunes of the weak and erring, but instead embraces reminiscing, lightening current worries, and finding joy in prophetic assurance. [16]
Our humor encompasses reminiscent, current, and prophetic types, never mocking the weak or divine, but finding joy in past memories, present uncertainties, and future certainties. [17]
Humor on Urantia is a reflection of past experiences, serving as a liberator of emotional pressure and preventing injurious nervous tension. [18]
Urantia's humor may be vulgar and unkind, but it shows a comparatively keen sense of depicting one's supposed superiors falling victim to experiences associated with inferiors. [19]
Jesus’ rare good humor shone brightly amidst his profound understanding of human emotions. [20] Jesus greatly regretted that the Jews lacked a sense of humor. [21]