There are ten of them on each constellation capital. [1]
The frandalanks are created in thirty divisions, one for each form of basic universe force, and they function exclusively as living and automatic presence, pressure, and velocity gauges. [2] Chronoldeks are frandalanks that register time in addition to quantitative and qualitative energy presence. [3] These beings are the joint creation of all three orders of energy-control beings: the primary and secondary force organizers and the power directors. [4] They appear in Uversa personality register. [5] Master frandalanks are those living instruments which indicate the power pressure and the energy charge of an entire superuniverse. [6] They are stationed on all inhabited worlds and are always attached to the higher orders of physical controllers. [7] They are one type of Master Physical Controllers. [8]
Seem to be wholly automatic and mechanical in response to the impulses of their superiors and in reaction to existing energy conditions, but they are not automatons, they are living and intelligent machines. [9]