This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Age of first outer space level will release superuniverses from destiny limitations of present age. [1] All are finite and evolutionary. [2] Boundaries never divide a nebular family. [3]
Broadcasts of Paradise and Havona. [4] Cosmic mind circuit of Master Spirit. [5] Energy circuits of power centers and physical controllers. [6] Flash presence of Infinite Spirit. [7] Intersonship circuit of Eternal Son and Paradise Sons. [8] Near infinite volume of information circulating on. [9] Planets and universes in light and life attain eternal survival through incorporation in. [10] Reflective circuit of 7 Reflective Spirits. [11] Thought Adjuster circuits. [12]
Derivation of age of superuniverses. [13]
Demarcations between superuniverses will disappear upon actualization of Supreme. [14] Each has a separate destiny. [15] Outer-spacers will approach Havona through superuniverses. [16] Superuniverses require Havona for full development. [17] To become, within their potentials, perfect as Havona. [18]
Dual constitution. [19] Dual physical systems mobilized by Universe Power Directors. [20]
1000 minor sectors. [21]
7 Reflective Spirits on. [22] 1000 superuniverse centers stationed on. [23] 84,691 secondary Circuit Supervisors on. [24] Chief of Census Directors stationed on. [25] Conciliating commissions on. [26] Directionize energy to local universes. [27] Has sun which gives light without heat. [28] No specialized personalization of Infinite Spirit on. [29] Surrounded by 490 spheres. [30] Universe Power Directors differently toned in each. [31]
Co-ordinated by 7 Architects of Master Universe. [32] Composition of co-ordinate councils. [33]
1/7 of organized post-Havona creation. [34] 10 major sectors. [35] 100,000 local universes. [36] 10 million constellations. [37] 1 billion local systems. [38] 1 trillion inhabitable planets. [39]
Confederation membership requirements. [40] Courts. [41] Deliberative assemblies. [42] Executive branch personnel. [43] Headquarters near center of superuniverse. [44] Presided over and pervaded by one Master Spirit. [45] Ruled by 3 Ancients of Days. [46] Ruled indirectly by Seven Master Spirits. [47]
Failure in Deity adventure remands pilgrim to different superuniverse. [48] In light and life. [49] Mass of Havona with dark gravity bodies far exceeds. [50] Mortal ascension plan varies considerably in each. [51] Mortals swing around superuniverses many times during ascension. [52] Positions relative to Paradise. [53] Power charge is 3 phases of 10 segregations each. [54] Radial boundaries of superuniverses converge on Paradise headquarters of supervising Master Spirit. [55] Records kept since Ancients of Days arrived. [56]
Energy differential prevents direct communication between. [57] No ambassadorial representation among. [58] Only Solitary Messengers and Inspired Trinity Spirits can go directly from one to another. [59] Travel between superuniverses is by way of Havona, worlds of Master Spirits. [60]
Revolve counterclockwise around Paradise. [61] Son-fusion provides each superuniverse with permanent ascendant citizenship. [62] Space level of. [63]
A few Havona pilgrims from superuniverse #1 fail to attain Infinite Spirit on first attempt. [64] Pervaded by Master Spirit resembling Father. [65]
Pervaded by Master Spirit resembling Eternal Son. [66] Some Havona pilgrims from superuniverse #2 fail to attain Father on first attempt. [67]
Pervaded by Master Spirit resembling Infinite Spirit. [68] Some Havona pilgrims from superuniverse #3 fail to attain Eternal Son or Father on first attempt. [69]
Pervaded by Master Spirit resembling Father-Son. [70]
Pervaded by Master Spirit resembling Father-Spirit. [71] Some Havona pilgrims from superuniverse #5 fail to attain Eternal Son on first attempt. [72]
Pervaded by Master Spirit resembling Son-Spirit. [73] Some Havona pilgrims from superuniverse #6 fail to attain Father on first attempt. [74]
Pervaded by Master Spirit resembling Father-Son-Spirit. [75]
Traverse great ellipse. [76] Universes settled in light and life swing into established superuniverse circuits. [77]
See also: UB 15; UB 15:9; UB 15:14; UB 15:2.